🍓Lee Suhyeok 🌼

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Hyeon-ju slammed open the door looking bloody as she started saying the science teacher gave her an injection and tried to kill her. Miss Park quickly decided to bring her to the nurses office and since she couldn't carry her Suhyeok offered to bring her there as I-sak and On-jo decided to help too. You stood with the gang worriedly while waiting for them to come back until I-sak came back only and was bombarded with questions. I-sak said that On-jo and Suhyeok was still outside and with that Cheongsan ran out followed by you.
Y/n: 야! Lee Cheongsan slow down!!
You guys ran until you On-jo and Suhyeok standing there. Cheongsan didnt care and quickly went to check on On-jo as she just ignored him and left.
Cheongsan: Whats her problem?
Suhyeok: You and On-jo are going out right?
Cheongsan: Of course! Hahaha you really think i would say that
Suhyeok/Y/n: .......
Cheongsan: Dont tell me you guys actually believed that
Y/n: Errrmm...... Anyways Cheongsan you go back first
Cheongsan: Alright see yall later
After he left you stood in front of Suhyeok as he took your hand in his.
Y/n: What did you and On-jo talk about
Suhyeok: She gave me her name tag
Y/n: So she confessed to you
Suhyeok: Yeah
Y/n: What did you say
Suhyeok: I didnt get to you and Cheongsan came here
Y/n: So if we didnt would your accept her
Suhyeok: Of course not! I have you already
He pulled you closer wrapping his arms around your waist. You were worried for On-jo as Suhyeok was taken already and he is taken by you. You and Suhyeok started dating 6 months ago but you guys decided to keep it a secret. There was no specific reason why but you guys just decided to think that it was for the best. Of course it was difficult as you guys cant kiss or hold hands but almost every night you would go over to his house which is right next to yours and cuddle, do homework and just chill together. His house is like your second house since you go there so much you sleep there eat there and practically do everything there. Thankfully his parents likes you and they would warm heartedly welcome you to their house always making sure your comfortable and that your not hungry you are really thankfully for their hospitality.
Y/n: Should we just tell them that we are dating already? I dont want people to keep confessing to the both of us
Suhyeok: Lets tell them
Y/n: It is decided then
He pulled you into a quick kiss before the both of you walked back to your class. You opened the door pulling him in with you going back to where the gang is gathered at. You guys were bombarded with questions again while answering the question Suhyeok arm has been around your waist holding you close as you're holding onto him.
Gyeongsu: Hold on something is not right
Cheongsan: Why
Gyeongsu: Why are the both of you standing so close to each other? Why is your arm around her waist?
You turned to look at Suhyeok as he did the same thing. You softly nodded at him.
Suhyeok: The thing is we are actually dating
Cheongsan: What? You guys are dating?
Gyeongsu: For how long
Y/n: 6 months
Cheongsan: And you didnt tell us?!! I thought we were best bros
Suhyeok: Sorry man, we thought it was best if we secretly dated for a while
Gyeongsu: What ever good for you, your dating such a pretty girl not only that shes amazing too
Suhyeok: You wanna die?
Gyeongsu: Im kidding
Y/n: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Suhyeok: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Cheongsan: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Gyeongsu: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The end

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