🍓Jang Wujin🌼

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Wujin watch from the bench as he admired you. You're in the archery club along with his sister and he got to know you through her. He is also your classmate but he never got the guts to talk to you. You are a bubbly girl but sometimes your cold and doesnt give a fuck about anything. People know not to make you mad because you are scary to the point where you could kill if you wanted to but Wujin saw every part of you as a good thing. He was completely whipped for you and Dae-su could tell. He would watch you practice with Dae-su everytime and he would be at some competition to support his sister but he would end up supporting you. His sister noticed his crush on you and tried to get you guys to talk but since Wujin is so shy he usually pussies out. Today he finally gathered enough courage to talk to you. He casually went next to you sitting down on the chair next to you which is Suhyeoks sit but since Suhyeok is chatting with the others the sit was empty.
Wujin: Uhm.. hi
Y/n: Hi.... Your Wujin right? Ha-ri eonnies younger brother
Wujin: Yeah thats me
Y/n: So uhh..... Do you need something?
Wujin: Uh.. n-no i just wanted to chat with you
His face was starting to heat up as the tip of his ears turned red.
Y/n: Ok... So what do you want to talk about
Wujin: Lets get to know each other more
Y/n: Sure
You and Wujin chatted till Mrs.Park came in. You had a great time chatting with him so the next few days you guys have been chatting alot. You thought that he's really funny and sweet. Soon you realize that your slowly falling for him. Lately he realizes that your acting weird around him and hes been getting really worried.
Wujin: Hey Y/n, Are you ok?
Y/n: Y-yeah why did y-you ask?
Wujin: Well you've been acting weird lately
Y/n: L-like h-how
Wujin: You've been stuttering alot and you look super red
Y/n: Uh
Wujin: Are you sure your ok?
Y/n: Y-yeah
Wujin: Are you not comfortable with me or something?
Y/n: N-no, please d-dont miss u-understand
You were thinking really hard whether you should just tell him and in the end you decided to just tell him.
Y/n: The r-reason why i-im acting like this i-i-is b-because I LIKE YOU
Wujin: Wha-
Y/n: I understand if you don't like me, its ok why would you like me anyways gosh im such an idiot.....
You continued rambling on while Wujin just started at you. He softly grabbed your chin and placed a soft kiss on your lips making your eyes widen. He pulled away after a while.
Wujin: You were rambling
Y/n: Sorry
Wujin: Don't be, it was cute and if the kiss didnt answer you i like you too y/n
Y/n: Wait- really??
Wujin: Yeah, im so glad that you like me too
Y/n: So... Are we dating now?
Wujin: Do you want to?
Y/n: Of course
Wujin: Well ok then, come here my girlfriend give me another kiss~
You gladly gave him another kiss as he kissed you back. You wrapped your arms around his neck as one of his hand is on your lower back while the other is at you waist. You pulled away after a while needing oxygen. You wished this moment could last forever but class was going to started soon therefore you guys had to leave.
This is just the beginning of the relationship and you know that you guys will be making alot of  new memories whether its a bad memory or a good one you will gladly cherish every moment you have with him.

~The end~

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