Chapter 2

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My hand was hovering just above the red flower emblem engraved on the tree bark. I gently touched it, as if it would break any second. As soon as my skin made contact with the emblem, my hand suddenly felt like it was being burnt. I retrieved my hand through reflex, it was now reddish.

Since I couldn't touch it, I began inspecting its details. It was more detailed this time, during the dream when I had inspected it, most of the details were blurry, as if it wanted to stay as a mystery. I decided to open the crack, ignoring the pain in my hand. My brain screamed for me to pull back, but I wanted to know what was in it at the same time. When I pulled the small crack out, its side dangled, still clinging onto the bark. I was disappointed to see nothing. It was empty. Was it supposed to have nothing or has someone got here before me? I don't really get what's so special about this tree though.

Since I couldn't figure any other thing out, I just sat below the tree, watching the lake flow. I rested my head on the tree and stretched my arms. It felt good to be back in the woods, because I now have wolf vibes.

And your wolf vibes are the only thing good about you.

Let's just ignore my wolf for a while...

I heard that!

I hummed a tune I just made up as the calming sounds of the pond's water flowing and hitting random rocks around it. The sound felt really calming, almost hypnotizing. The calmness of the pond was interrupted when a female figure burst out of the surface of the water.

The girl had light aqua-blue hair, cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes were as silver as the moonlight, which attracts a lot of attention. Her skin was light brown, she was different from the humans, she was a mermaid. She only wore one piece of clothing. A cloth that covered her private parts, a black string hung it on her shoulder to prevent it from falling off. She pushed herself atop a big rock, exposing her hunter green tail.

Her silver eyes looked up at me, but before either of us could say anything, a second mer creature went up to the surface.

This time, it was a man. He had luxurious silver-white hair, with gray eyes. He didn't look friendly like the first mermaid, instead, he held dominance. His face masked any emotion he may be feeling. He was scowling at the first mermaid.

"The rule strictly said no going up to the surface or teleporting to other freshwater or saltwater waters, you clearly disobeyed the rule, so, I, as the Prince, had to find you," he said in a husky voice. He went up to another rock and summoned a trident. The trident was silver, and though it may look like a fork, there was great power surrounding it. He used the trident to straighten himself, and when he was up the rock, with his tail embracing the silver trident, I could now see his silver tail.

Mer creatures were recognized with their rank by the color of their tails. Golden tails represented the highest monarchy, followed by silver as their offspring. Warriors and heroes of the mer community had dark gray tails. Commoners and normal mermaids or mermen had different shades of green as the colors of their tails, it also had representations but they were too many to recognize.

His silver tail vanished as he murmured the chant that allowed mer creatures to shift from mermaid to human. Unlike wolves, mer creatures would have the clothes they previously wore before shifting into a merman or a mermaid.

"So, care to explain Ellie? This is the fourth time you've done this, I'll have to make the punishment worse."

The mermaid had not shifted from a mermaid to a human, maybe because she still couldn't. Mer creatures can shift from a very young age or have to wait for a long time before shifting, or, like wolves, they can also never shift, if they don't have enough power to do so. High-class mermaids have the power to read minds, control the waters, and cause tsunamis or storm surges, they can also cause storms and lightning, plus the normal powers of a mer creature.

It was obvious that the question he had asked was a trick question, just to make her think about why she had gone up to the surface so that he'd have an answer. Instead of answering, the mermaid was looking at me in curiosity. "Ooo a human! I've always wanted to see one!"

"Correction, she's a werewolf. What are you doing in pack territory?" A voice said from behind me. It was Carter. The one with a very short temper. Great, just great.

The merman scowled. "All water forms belong to us mer creatures, no matter which pack land its in."

They continued fighting while I had a chat with the mermaid, as if Carter randomly bringing up fights was usual. Which is actually usual.

"Ooo so you can change into a wolf?" The mermaid asked excitedly, examining my legs which confirmed that she hadn't shifted yet.

"Erm, kind of," I answered, I rarely shifted because it was painful, it has only been one month since I had been bitten by Caine. After a few months, the pain will lessen, but for now, I don't shift if I don't want to feel like all my bones are being ripped out. My wolf was still a newborn, so even if it was a full moon, I couldn't shift yet, unless I was extremely angry.

"So what do you wolves eat? Do you guys, like, eat deers or stuff?" She was bubbling with excitement and curiosity as she kept on asking questions.

I nearly gagged. "Um, I think they do but not me. At least not yet, I had just been changed"

Our conversation was interrupted when another presence walked over to us. I inhaled his minty-forest scent, knowing who it is almost immediately. My wolf went in a frenzy so I knew who it was without even inhaling his scent. It was Caine.

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