Chapter 7

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"It wasn't like you were going to spend the night with me," I felt myself say. Caine stopped ranting and stared at me. My hand immediately covered my mouth. Why did I say that?

"It's for your own good, you don't know what my father did to my mother when the curse took effect," he countered. His eyes widened as he realized what he had said. "Pretend I didn't say anything." He forced a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "I already know about that, Caleb already told me, at least I know you didn't do it on purpose."

"At least I think he said it better than I ever could," he said through clenched teeth. "But I guess tonight will be an exception."

Caine roughly pushed Theo's arm that was around me off. He then got my hand and helped me up, walking me towards a white cherry blossom tree. I waved at Theo with my other arm that was free from Caine's grip. Theo smiled and waved back. Caine scowled at our exchange.

I sat down on the grass and leaned my back on the tree's trunk. Caine sat down right beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. My wolf let out a purr but I stopped it from coming out of my mouth.

When Caine saw Theo looking at me in the distance, his other arm pulled me closer to him so that we were now cuddling each other.

My wolf smirked at Caine's reaction.

I felt tingles and electric currents flowing around my body at high speed. I felt warm and safe in his arms, he put my head onto his chest, then started stroking my hair. I could hear his steady heartbeat, and it was honestly relaxing and calming to my nerves. When I looked up, I found Caine sniffing my scent. I heard your mates' scent can calm you down, but since I was a still-transitioning wolf, I still don't have that trait yet.

I didn't realize I was purring until he chuckled. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. He lightly stroked my cheek. Tingles and sparks erupted from where he had touched me. I felt like I was in heaven while I was in his arms. This is what mates do to you. I involuntarily snuggled up on his chest, his hand caressing my back.

It was around midnight already, none of us had noticed, but I felt myself getting drowsy and sleepy. A soft yawn left my lips, and I snuggled up on Caine as if he was my blanket. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, his grip was tight, but it made me feel safe.

The cold breeze of the night made me shiver. I looked up to see Caine's blue eyes staring at me. That was the last thing I saw before falling into a deep sleep in my mate's arms.


I woke up to find myself still in the same position as last night, the woody and muddy scent of the forest filling my senses. The scent of the forest makes me feel free.

Here comes my wolfie vibes.

I look around the place to see the others just waking up, or still sleeping. I noticed something I haven't last night, there were picnic baskets and picnic blankets provided on each tree, probably for us to eat in the morning.

I tried getting up, only to be pulled down by Caine, who was still sleeping. He instinctively pulled me closer to his chest. My head slammed onto his chest, his eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me. "You're hungry?" He asked in his morning husky voice.

"Mhm," I hummed. He slightly pushed me back, grabbed the picnic basket near the tree we were under then opened the lid. He got a loaf of bread out of it then grabbed a raspberry jam from the basket. He used a spoon to spread the jam over the bread and gave it to me, tingles exploding over the spot our fingers met.

"Awww," came Charlotte's baby voice from the back of the tree. She had been watching us the whole time. "You two look so cute together!"

I almost jumped when I heard her voice. Blood rushed to my cheeks, embarrassed.

The moment was short-lived as someone screamed something I didn't expect to happen.

"Rogue alert!!" The beta of another pack announced while trying to fight of the Rogues to protect his pack. Caine went from a gentle stance to a defensive one in one second. He pushed me aside just as a Rogue lunged at us. Caine shifted into a grayish-white wolf, a very rare color for an Alpha. The sound of cracking of bones filled the peaceful, ideal area as they defended their pack and themselves.

Everyone was definitely surprised by this attack, but they were doing their best to suppress the Rogues.

I couldn't shift, so I basically was harmless to the Rogues. My wolf whimpered as our mate got injured at his shoulder, it bled but he took no notice.

I was now cornered by five Rogues, which meant there was no escaping this. I was scared out of my mind, and this time, Caine wouldn't be able to save me. He was fighting off ten Rogues at the same time so he wouldn't be able to. The first Rogue attacked, I dodged his moves but then a second moved forward and started landing punches on me.

Shit, shit, shit, my wolf whispered in my mind.

Then, they all attacked at once. I ducked so that their attacks would go to each other. They looked at one another and nodded, that was when they started moving in different directions, attacking me in different ways.

I was bruised, wounded, and bleeding. I almost didn't want to move. When they aimed for my neck, I suddenly felt something change within me. My bones cracked and my hands started turning furry and reduced in size. I stared at my now white mixed with a little bit of gray, furry paw.

I felt my wolf surfacing and taking control. Without any better plan, I sat back and let her control my body. I trust her.

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