Chapter 12

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I inhaled the fresh scent of the woods.

After the incident, my wolf had forced me to go to the forest for some fresh air. I heard a few bushes rustle and I immediately started looking around. There, hiding in the bushes, was a white wolf.

I started moving backward, but the white wolf jumped out of the bushes.

That was when I realized it wasn't a wolf, it just looked like one.

It was a white fox.

It sniffed the air and started walking closer to me, its paws gently hitting the ground below it. It looked so elegant and cute, why am I even being afraid of it? But then again, it might be a dangerous animal in disguise. 

With each step it took, I took one back. I was still skeptical about this animal, though it was really cute and possibly very furry.

The white fox blinked at me several times before jumping on my shoulder and nuzzling its snout on my neck. Its fur was very ticklish, causing me to giggle.

My suspicions were right, it was very furry.

Seeing that the fox meant no harm, I picked it up and hugged it. I started stroking its fur, it slightly purred at my gesture.

The sky was getting dark, signaling that I should go back soon. I started mentally debating whether or not to bring the fox home. After a few minutes, I decided to take it home, but, of course, only if it would follow willingly as the forest is its natural habitat.

I let go of the white fox and started heading back to the pack house. It was the fox's choice if it wanted to follow me or not. I looked back every now and then to check if it was following me or not.

I arrived at the pack house's entrance and I looked back to see the fox staring at me. I guess it chose to follow me all the way here. I picked it up and headed for the dining hall.

After I arrived, I went straight to the fridge and got some raw meat. Since the people living in the pack house were werewolves, it was natural to leave some raw meat in the fridge just in case a werewolf suddenly wants to eat something raw.

I put the meat on the ground and the fox sniffed it out as if checking if it had poison on it. After it inspected the food, it started ripping it into pieces with its teeth. A smile tugged my lips at its cuteness.

It chewed on the meat for a while, and after it finished, I brought it up to my room along with a tray of food for myself. If I wanted to let the fox stay, I'd have to take care of it.

I started digging in my food on my bed while the fox snuggled up on the sheets of my bed. I am totally ok about having to take care of a cute, fluffy fox, even though it might take some work. I have always wanted a pet of my own, ever since I was a kid, but, unfortunately, it wasn't allowed in the village I was in.

The door to my room went open. "You're gonna run out of food if you don't go to the dining hall right now, Vi," Trix said as she looked outside the door. She turned around and saw me finishing up my food.

"Oh, well, anyways-," she cut herself off when she saw the fox sniffing the sheets on my bed. Her lips were slightly ajar. The fox started snorting as if it was actually laughing at how she looked like right now.

"Since when did you own a fox?!"

"Like, since it followed me back?"

She looked a little bit closer at the fox, then she gasped.

"It has green eyes! Foxes aren't supposed to have green eyes! Plus it's white! Snow foxes only live in the arctic."

"They don't?"

"They don't, only the Fox spirit animal does. You can't choose a spirit animal, it chooses you. I guess you have to take care of the fox now." She was about to turn and leave before she stopped herself.

"Oh, and make sure no one sees it. Spirit animals are always hunted down so that the one who captures it would take advantage of its powers and strength since they can't really kill it," she eyed the fox wearily, it was obvious she had had a tough day. She started walking out of the room while the fox stared at her as if debating whether or not to attack.

The fox started to relax after she left.

The fox is really weird, it's like it can actually think like a human, if not more.

"What the hell are you," I asked the fox, but mostly to myself.

Suddenly, the fox turned into a ghostly transparent color, as if it was actually answering my question. After a few moments of staring at it, the lights flicked off. I felt like I was in one of those scary ghost movies except this was real, and it felt real, and I'm the actual victim.

If that wasn't enough, the ghost translucent fox or whatever it's called suddenly transformed to an actual man. The only good thing is that it actually has clothes, unlike when a wolf shifts, they don't magically have clothes on.

His hair was pure white, or maybe silver-white, his eyes were gray, and he was really pale. I could literally compare his skin to a plain white paper.

"Are you a vampire or something? You're giving me creeps."

"Can you stop staring? It's also giving me creeps. I mean, I know I'm attractive and all, but I don't think that's the kind of stare it's supposed to be if you're aroused or someth-," I cut him off before he could continue.

"I'm not aroused you pesky littl-," it was his turn to interrupt me.

"Pesky little fox? I get that a lot. I also get mischievous foxie, foxie eggy head, grandpa hair head," he stopped himself at what he had said to himself.

"I mean, just because I have beautiful white hair doesn't mean I'm old, plus it's more silver than white! And I'm still the most handsome guy around, most probably. No one can compete-, the door banging open cut off his self-praise speech.

I looked at the door to see who it was.

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