Chapter 15

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When I heard her name, I instantly wanted to know more, but Marshmallow suddenly woke up, cutting me away from his dream.

Marshmallow, whose previous name was Snowy, looked at me. He was in his human form. We were half-sitting and half-laying on my bed, on opposite sides. Our legs dangling on the edge of the bed with our upper half on the bed.

"Well this is awkward," Marshmallow muttered under his breath. "So you saw everything I dreamt of?"

"Mhm," I hummed.

"So, do you think I'm bad luck to my owners?" He gulped. "I think it's what's going around in witch gossip right now."

"I don't think so, I think her turning into a black witch was of her own accord, I honestly think if you weren't there for her, she would've destroyed everything already. If she can."

"She could've, she couldn't have, if she tried she'd destroy herself anyway," Marshmallow said, nonchalantly.

"Should I call you Snowy now?"

"Depends, I think I like Marshmallow better now."

"Okay, Marshies. Can you tell me a bit about your old owner though?"

"Why? It's private information, I don't just betray my owners like that. Even though she's dead," he responded. "I mean, I know you know she isn't a good person but she still cared for me, so if you'd just give me a few reasonable reasons on why I should tell you, then maybe I would."

"She cursed Caine."

"If you're talking about the son of the guy who killed her then I'm not helping," after he had said those words, he shifted into his fox form.

I pulled him to my lap, stroking his fur while I was deep in thought. Marshies softly purred at my gestures, but he still looked upset at my mentioning of his old owner's killer, well the son of the killer.

I started squishing the fur near his neck, causing him to shiver, but not in a bad way. I squished his cheeks, making him frown at me.

I felt his teeth biting that side of his cheek, trying to push my hand away, but when I didn't take my hand off, he started pawing my hand, good thing that his claws weren't out, or my hand would've probably been bleeding out by now.

"You're just the cutest thing ever," I said as I cuddled him. "Can you please, please, please tell me about your old owner? So that I can improve my ways of taking care of you."

Of course, I just improvised that so that Marshies would finally tell me about Hecate. His face brightened up for a second, but faltered and glared at me as he realized my tactics.

I cuddled and cooed at him the rest of the day, trying my best to get some information out of him, but he stayed silent, not letting a single word about his old owner slip.


Ever since I had asked about Hecate (heh·kuh·tee), Marshmallow had been ignoring me, sending me an anxious look each time I looked him in the eye.

Whenever I get a glimpse of his emotion through his eyes, it was always fear, fright, alarm, panic, or worry. I also noticed that he was blocking me out of his mind, emotions, and dreams. I was only able to access his dream the first time because he was unguarded and tired from his journey.

He was always with me but never looked me in the eye, he never talked, just sniffed and cuddled up to me. I almost mistook his sniff as a sob one time.

Right now, he was on my lap, eating berries. It has been a few days and we grow farther apart each day. Well, not physically, we were just not talking. If I was being honest, I think I was closer to Caine than with Marshmallow right now. And Caine is really busy with Elijah's poisoning problem. I think Carter's the one who's supposed to work on that since he was the one who's good with herbs but he hates Elijah a lot.

Speaking of Elijah, I'm honestly surprised at how he's still alive because from what I have heard, he was fed a middle-classed poison, but it can kill a vampire after a couple of days to a few weeks at most if not treated. He lasted for around two and a half weeks without treatment, and that was when they had asked for help from the werewolves, who knows how long he had to endure the poison.

Even though Elijah almost killed this whole pack, the Alphas were still helping them, except Carter, of course. I mean, Carter literally loathes Elijah. I don't know why.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Marshmallow snore. He always blocked me out of his mind but I can feel a little bit of what he was feeling right now since he was sleeping. I got a glimpse of his emotion, which was the same as before. Guilt.

I didn't get it, why would he feel guilty? He hadn't done anything wrong. He constantly feels guilty every time he's with me, but I don't know the reason why. Maybe because he feels guilty for ignoring me all of a sudden?

Now that I knew that Hecate was Marshmallow's previous owner, I was always attentive to what he was doing, and he probably noticed that. I knew he wasn't really going to do anything to me since he did choose me as his owner, I trusted him the moment he ran away from pack grounds to save this pack the trouble.

I started stroking Marshmallow's sleeping figure, thinking about how much he had gone through and how many secrets he could be hiding from me.

Even though he was my pet, he had reasons to keep certain things from me, I don't question that since he had gone through a lot, and would probably need the time to trust people again. His brain is still probably processing what had happened a long time ago.

I started feeling a little bit drowsy, I collapsed on the bed behind me as black spots filled my vision.

I felt myself going into Marshmallow's dream.

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