Chapter 26

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"Can we please please please stay here? Even just for a while?"

"No," Caine answered. "No matter how many times you'll ask I won't change my mind."

"But they're really sweet, plus we don't even know our way back," I mumbled.

"We could look for our way back," he countered. "Those beasts could change their mind anytime and decide to keep either you or your precious little fox hostage. Anytime."

"I don't think-," I started, but he gave me a look.

"Forget it," I growled in frustration, walking past him only to get tripped by his shoe, which was purposely or accidentally positioned horizontally.

He caught me by my waist just before I fell right to the ground, and slammed right onto his chest.

"Careful, I wouldn't want you to get seriously injured before we even deal with those beasts."

I pushed him away even if the sparks against my skin each time our skin made contact was a wonderful experience. Not that it happens much.

"I don't think we'll have to 'deal with those beasts'. They're super nice and sweet," I mumbled, thinking about mini cute cuddly beasts running around. "And we can take a break from the whole thing for a while."

"What do you mean the whole thing? I have a pack to manage, run, and protect. I can't always just go around and have a vacation any time I want, given that I'm the eldest brother."

That made sense.

"But there's always two other Alpha's that can run the pack, it wasn't and won't always be only you."

He sighed and ran a hand along his silky black hair. "Fine, just this once since we can't find our way back, I guess we might as well spend some time in here, but one sign of danger and we're out."

I squealed in excitement, finally, a vacation! I mean, I didn't really need a vacation but Caine definitely needs one after who knows how long of only pack work. There were three Alpha's in the pack- they could take breaks one at a time if needed.

Out of pure accident and over-excitement, I hugged him, and it got very awkward.

"Uhm, your welcome I guess," he mumbled as he awkwardly patted my back.

I pulled away and happily skipped towards the cutest, most adorable, beastie.


A couple of days passed by, and I could say that things went well. The beasts were  friendlier than they before, and they seem to trust us better. Caine had finally loosened up a little bit and is actually enjoying the 'vacation'. During these last few days, Caine and I got together better, like friends, or even best friends, but I don't think I'd get along with him too well, he was professional, just like how an Alpha should be, while I- well, I'm just a regular she-wolf, I wasn't like him at all. After all, I was a normal human once before, while he was and always had been an Alpha.

I don't think we could get together as well as how my wolf pictured it inside my head, not that I'm trying to be negative about the situation or anything.

But I think I shouldn't be overthinking all of these things for a while, vacation is vacation, so I should be enjoying things while it lasts, since today was when we were supposed to get back to the pack house, or at least, look for it. Caine really wanted to go back there and leave the whole cursed situation behind, but I noticed that he had been acting quite strangely for the past few days.

I heard a small grumbling noise, and looked down to find Marshmallow snoring in his sleep.

Yep, that was how things had been going during this vacation. Everyone was just relaxing, sleeping, or helping the beasts to their daily chores, well, everyone minus Caine. He had shut himself out from all of us since yesterday, though I didn't really understand why. He had already gotten along with the beasts, and seemed to be enjoying the vacation, not only because of the unique and relaxing scenery outside the beasts' den was, but also because it seemed like he hadn't done this for a long time, but suddenly, he shut himself out.

Maybe he's homesick, wolves are really close to their packs, my wolf suggested. Or he's worrying about his pack.

If I had to guess between the two, it would probably be the latter, or he probably misses being with his brothers, even though they usually fight a lot.

The stone door separating the kitchen to the rest of the other rooms sprang open, and in came Caine. He looked around the room warily, and when his eyes settled on me, he grew uneasy and shifted his weight from one foot to another, then he looked away.

I watched him as he placed a plate on a counter, piling piles of raw meat, lettuce, tomatoes, more raw meat, and a couple of loaves of bread on the plate. He started arranging it like a enlarged size of a hamburger, or maybe a wolfamburger, that would be a good name.

I didn't realize I was staring at the food until he placed a part of his wolf meal on another plate and offered it to me.

"Want some? It's a nice wolf appetizer, your wolf might want some of these kinds of burgers once in a while," he said, brushing the fox on my lap like a piece of crumb and replacing it with the plate.

"Uh, yeah, thanks," I mumbled awkwardly.

I stared at the supposed 'wolf appetizer,' I feel like this could be for my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it could probably fit a midnight snack. But as my wolf instincts started kicking in, the whole plate was empty, and I wasn't a tiny bit full. I guess Caine was right about calling it an 'appetizer,' for wolves anyway.

I looked up and was about to thank Caine but, to my surprise, his eyes were turning dark as he stared at me. Just before his eyes turned completely black, he closed them and walked away, calmly.

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