Chapter 4

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I couldn't sleep. Not when I know that if one of those wolves escape their shackles, I can get killed by just a snap of my neck. I was nervous and eager for this night to end.

It didn't help when I heard howls and growls even though I was three floors away from the basement. I looked at the window to see that the moon had fully risen, and it was a perfect circle. The wolves' blood lust would be at most when the moon was at its peak, and it was almost about that.

Suddenly, a dark brown wolf leapt into the window, I screamed and jumped off of my bed. I backed away as the wolf took slow taunting steps towards me. I let it scratch, growl, and snarl, dodging it's attacks like how Caine had taught me when he hadn't ignored me yet. When it saw a weak spot, it aimed to claw my chest, I managed to move so it went on my arm instead. Someone opened the door, probably troubled by the commotion and noise we were making. I looked at the door to see Caine. When the wolf saw I was unfocused, it leaped into the air and prepared to pounce on me. But before it could, Caine shifted and took the wolf down, knocking it off of consciousness.

"Are you alright?" He asked, scanning my body for injuries before his eyes landed on my arm, bloodied and bruised.

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p' and sounding more enthusiastic than I meant to be.

He walked towards me and examined my arm. "A bandage would do the trick, and your almost a fully transitioned wolf so it should heal on its own, it should be fine by tomorrow."

I nodded my head in response. I hopped onto my bed and just laid there while Caine watched me struggle sleeping. "You'll be fine, I'll guard over here so you don't have to worry."

I didn't respond, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I felt his arms wrap around me, and that helped me sleep more than cuddling the blanket. The last thing I felt was tingles and sparks shooting across my body like electricity.


I woke up, hearing chatter and footsteps down the hall. No, I didn't wake up because of the sound, I woke up because I smelled lasagna, my favorite food! I immediately went to shower and changed my clothes. And yes, you got that right, Caine wasn't there anymore, I even wondered if that night was just a dream. It seemed too good to be true, but with my wolf yelping happily, I think it happened anyway.

I opened the door and walked happily into the dining hall. To others, I would probably look like a ball of happiness because all of them looked worn out and tired. That was probably the reason to why the event was held during nighttime.

"Someone in a good mood?" I heard Liana ask. "I thought you weren't that excited for the event."

"Nah, it's nothing, really," I lied. I was a happy ball of sunshine because, for the first time, I had finally been in my mate's arms. No, actually, because I finally had a dreamless sleep. I hadn't been able to sleep well and without dreams for a long time.

My eyebrows furrowed when I noticed all of them had red marks on their skin because of the shackles they had used to restrain themselves last night. Charlotte's eyes traced down where my eyes were staring at, and she gave me a smile. "We're fully transitioned wolves, it'll heal soon."

I merely nodded at her statement.

I went to the corner, grabbed a plate, and filled it with lasagna. I then went to the fridge and grabbed a strawberry yogurt. I placed my plate and yogurt on the table and sat down, Liana and Charlotte on either side of me. That was when I noticed that Brody was nowhere to be seen. And right after that, I noticed that there were less than half the people who usually ate on the dining hall instead of their rooms.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, glancing around the room the third time.

"Sleeping," Liana answered. "Most of us aren't able to sleep last night because of blood lust and the shackles so we sleep in the morning."

"Mkay." I started eating my lasagna, but then a loud 'bang' erupted from somewhere in the dormitories. The sleepy werewolves didn't even flinch, but I stood up to see what was happening. Charlotte put a hand over my shoulder. "It's nothing, it almost always happens every full moon, it's just someone who fell off of their bed."

I blinked my eyes several times. 

After a few moments, full chaos erupted. Voices and very loud growls were heard from the dorms. There was a crash and a loud 'thud'. I heard something crashing and a 'bang'. A minute passed and it was still chaos, finally, Carter and Caine arrived.

"THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I heard Carter growl. He had the shortest temper among the Cadell brothers so when you do something wrong, expect him to snap your neck at the same moment.

I looked over at the other wolves still eating like normal on the table. 

"It's normal," Charlotte informed me. "It's always a crash, bang, thud, and bam Carter loses his temper, ending up in both Caleb and Carter fighting and throwing daggers at each other then the end." She sipped her milkshake. "It's quite a show, actually."

I looked at her milkshake. "How come I didn't see any?"

"I took the last one."

Just then, Caleb came down the stairs. Charlotte leaned close enough towards me so that she could whisper in my ear. "Watch pure chaos erupt."

"Hi people, what did I miss?" Caleb asked, skipping down the stairs.

"You call that pure chaos?" I asked Charlotte.

Caleb's eyes darted around the room, then it finally landed on Carter strangling a wolf. In a flash he was in front of Carter, defending the wolf. "Stop losing your control," Caleb scowled towards Carter.

Carter got daggers out of his pocket and started throwing them on Caleb, while Caleb caught the daggers by their hilts and threw them back, hitting Carter's chest and shoulder.

"That's the pure chaos," Charlotte replied to my earlier statement.

My Cursed AlphaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora