20. The Plan

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"What did you say??" Tamar raised her eyebrow at the update.

"He's with a woman, your highness. A model to be precise as what our men reported." Tisha, the personal attendant, informed her boss. 

"Where. are. they?" The princess inquired, gritting her teeth. It brought a headache to Tamar that her beloved is seemingly back to his old ways. She couldn't fathom how he can be insensitive towards her feelings.

"Calm down your highness. The First Prince was just doing a photo and video shoot for the Elle Stones Company's promotion at a grand hotel in another country. Our sources told me that he was partnered with the mysterious model of The Belle Shop." 

"Really? Were they able to know who that model is?" Tamar quickly asked with interest.

"No, your highness. The whole production team has a very tight security. The First Prince and the model only worked as per scheduled and went on separate ways after. The First Prince went back home last night, your highness." Tisha informed her. Their men didn't say anything more besides the whole promotional shoot. 

Unknown to them, Neero's elite guards hinder them from knowing the real situation of their boss. They misguided Tamar's men into believing that Neero and the model were not together. They must be diligent in doing their task before they face Neero's wrath again since the night Tamar tried to seduce him.  

"Oh alright. Continue to give me updates." Tamar stood up and marched towards the direction of the inner court with a determined look.

"Princess, where are you going?"

"Putting an action to my plans." Tamar winked and unhurriedly walked down the halls.


"You okay?" Neero asked the beautiful woman who was in a daze.

'Fudge.' Mia thought and was embarrassed that the man caught her gawking at his herculean frame. Her shyness doubled when she saw Neero smirked.

"Thinking naughty are we? I'm just gonna take a shower." Neero stated, winking at the woman before he went to the nearest closet to get a towel and a clean set of clothes. He then went to the bathroom and refreshed himself. 

Mia closed her eyes and hid her face on the pillow. After a while, she calmed herself and looked for any clothes that would fit her. Unfortunately, the closet is filled with men's apparel and a spare towel. She sighed and found a grey sweatshirt.

When Neero's finished, he saw Mia biting her lower lip and was in deep thought while sitting down on the edge of the bed. He approached the woman and kneeled before her as he dried his wet hair.

"Hey. I've prepared the bath water for you."

"Thanks." Mia smiled in return and stared at the gorgeous man. She then stood up, concealing her crimson cheeks and walked towards the restroom.

Neero chuckled at her reaction and continued on drying out his hair.

'Oh for the love of...'  Mia was only wearing the large shirt with no undergarments. Why did she even showered and didn't think about getting a trouser? She sighed and took a peek outside the door and Neero seemed to sense her presence.

The man dragged a familiar suitcase near the bathroom door. It's her luggage! Well, she has an idea how it magically appeared inside the room. She looked at Neero and mouthed a 'thank you' as she reached for it.

Wicked as he can be, Neero pushed the luggage away from Mia's grasp. The suitcase slid far away from the bathroom. The woman glared at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. 

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