38. Closed

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A/N: Chapter 1of 2

Cause, why not? ^_^



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"What time should I fetch you?" Neero was parking the car in the hotel's basement when he asked his wife.

Mia looked at him with soft eyes. "Would it be okay if you drop by tomorrow? Leah and I will review some contracts regarding my side hustle. We'll be in room 1427 all throughout."

"Hmm.. that long?"

"Pretty please?" Mia pecked him on the cheeks to convince her husband.

Neero was thinking how to survive a night without her by his side.

Mia squinted her eyes. "It's only a night, babe."

Neero pulled her and kissed her hard until she's out of breath. He briefly massaged her chest while he's at it and wandered around her body.


Mia hurriedly bid her goodbye and stepped out of the vehicle as Neero laughed. She was blushing and went straight up to Leah's room without looking back.

"M, come in!" Leah greeted her flushed friend when she opened the door.

"Have you heard any news from your uncle?" Mia asked immediately.

"Nice to see you too, M." Leah made a face while leading Mia on the sofa.

"My uncle wanted to see you and handed you the files himself. He said, it's too risky if through email."

"That fast? Your uncle is amazing. So, is he in the States?"

"He is weirdly amazing! And to answer your second question, yes and no. Uncle Boar is currently out of the country but he will fly here to fetch me and we'll go back home together. He said that he will just contact us once he arrives." Leah explained in detail, turning off the television.

"Wait, if your uncle is that great, why did you have to work in the cafe?"

"Like I said, he's 'weirdly' amazing. As much as I wanted to just have an easy life, my uncle wanted us to be more independent. More, meaning totally. And he's not always around. He's doing his thing a.k.a. work." Leah chattered, thinking about her uncle Boar. The man is strict and aloof but really cares for his family.

"Going back. M, did you inform the First Prince about this?"

"No. This is just a curiosity on my end. Though when the time comes, this will clarify an important thing from his side." Mia sighed and thought if she should have told Neero that she had him investigated. Well, not him actually but his biological parents.

She knows about Victoria Yushkova but doesn't know about his real father. She did try to ask Neero about the man but he also didn't know or he really couldn't care about his so-called real parents anymore.

Leah didn't inquire anymore about the matter much in her relief.

Mia actually made two requests from Mr. Boar. The second one being about her family's incident more than two decades ago.

She knows that Duchess Dinah is also scrutinizing the accident but she wanted to help, too. She just prayed that things will come to light sooner.

Mia shook her head and focused the attention on her friend, who was sitting beside her. They talked and gossiped about anything until lunch time.

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