36. Body and Soul

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A/N: Warning for romantic scene

Again, I don't usually write these kind of scenes. I've written some part of this chapter with my bloody sweaty hands.

Enjoy! Lovelots!

And so here goes the saying...

My eyes! My eyes! 🙈

* * * * * * *

Betiko Grand Villa

Mia couldn't believe that they just got married.

After finishing the wedding photoshoot, Neero led her to the dining hall where a few bunch of familiar faces were waiting in excitement.

"Congratulations!" Leah shouted happily as she pranced around and bumped to a silent individual.

Aaron glared at her and distanced himself.

"Oops. My bad." Leah behaved herself but continued clapping.

Best wishes and congratulations were simultaneously being uttered around.

"You look so beautiful, Mia." Natalia genuinely uttered as the women sat at the huge gray couch while the men were drinking at the portable bar beside the kitchen.

Mia slightly touched the crown jewelry and the wedding dress, "Thanks to Milda and Ziv." She eyed the two gurus and her bosses with a smile.

"No, gorgeous. Thanks to you! My creations were now wonderfully displayed along with a charming woman like you. Can I have you?" Ziv teasingly declared and wiggled his brows at Mia.

Mia was confused.

"What I meant was, can I have Mia as the top model for my wedding dress collection this coming fall?" Ziv inquired looking at Natalia and Trish as Leah kept on clapping in the background.

"Oh. I... I'm gonna be exposed. I couldn't risk it." Mia said in a gentle manner.

All of them knew that Mia values her privacy.

Mia's first runaway experience was a semi private one back at The Belle Shop - Middle East branch. Most people didn't pay great attention to her that time, which she was thankful for.

Ziv look so dejected and nodded with understanding.

"But we can give a remedy to that..." Trish wise words came out suddenly and Natalia gestured her hands covering the part of her eyes.

"With a mask!" Ziv uttered happily! His excitement came back and gave Mia a toast!

The alluring woman helplessly nodded in agreement because her boss had spoken.

Between the chats, Mia subconsciously scanned the room. She met Neero's gaze which sent her hot on her seat. Those pretty grey orbs are clouded by a strong emotion. She could sense it even from afar, penetrating her skin. She averted her eyes and drank the cocktail while red tints started forming on her cheeks.

Neero smirked at the charming sight as Judah talked comically at the bar. His attention was not with his brother anymore.

"Very pleased to know you, Sirs. This is quite overwhelming." The youngest prince blurted out with admiration.

He couldn't believe that he was standing alongside Alexander Gates, Jake Zimmer and Gregory Ellison!

It's freaking awesome!

"Relax, brother." Judah ironically patted his brother as if Neero's the one who has been scatty all night.

The men in the elite group smiled at the young prince and continued with their drinks and discussions.

HIS DECEITFUL WOMANजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें