Chapter Four

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When Mint woke up in her bed, she was all alone with her stuffie in her arms

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When Mint woke up in her bed, she was all alone with her stuffie in her arms. She looked around for Roseo but he was nowhere in sight, and there was no sound in the house.

When Mint looked over at her nightstand clock it read 11 AM telling her that her brother and his friends were at school.

Mint stood up from her bed and picked up the outfit she had laid in her closet the prior day, she put on the pink spaghetti strap mini dress along with a light cardigan as today was pretty cold.

As she was at her vanity doing her hair, she couldn't help but think about Roseo. Mint loved Roseo with all her heart at this point, and wished he was here with her.

After getting ready Mint went downstairs and began her work like she did everyday. Waiting for her brothers arrival.

Mint was taking a nap when Artemis and Roseo got to the house

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Mint was taking a nap when Artemis and Roseo got to the house. Roseo had rushed up stairs to see where she was at, to see his Mint napping peacefully on her bed.

Roseo got into the bed and cuddled her into his chest, petting her head.

Mint slowly opened her eyes and looked up, a smile blossoming on her face.

"R-Rosie! You-re ba-ack!" Mint stuttered, sitting up straight and leaning her hands on his chest.

"Yes, I am, baby." He looked up at her beaming down him, she crashed down onto him and gave him a big hug.

"I mi-ssed you so-o much, Ro-sie!" She all but yelled,

"Yeah? What'd you do today, hm?" He asked holding her tighter,

"I-I did homew-ork and watch-ed a movi-e!" She looked up at him, smiling even wider if possible,

"Oh, did you now? What're you gonna do now?" He asked petting her head again. At the question she shot up,

"P-park! Can we-e go to the pa-ark?" She begged him.

"I don't see why not, baby. Go grab your shoes, I'll meet you downstairs." Roseo told her, pulling her off of him and setting her on her feet.

Together they walked to the park.

When they made it to the park Mint immediately saw her friend who she called Jelly, and ran towards him.

Roseo payed no mind to him as he thought Mint was just running towards the swings.

When he looked up from his phone to check on her he saw Mint in the arms of another boy. What the actual fuck?

Why was his mint in the arms of someone who was not him? He shut off his phone and put it in his pocket, he was going to play on his phone for a bit but he decided that now that there was another boy, games could wait.

He watched them silently with a scowl on his face. He watched how he picked her up to help her on the swings, how he helped her on the monkey bars. Why was she with him? He was right there and he went to another boy?

Was he not enough?

He stood up, he was so mad that there was another guy with his hands on her. He walked over to them while the boy swung Mint around in circles in his arm.

When they saw him approaching the boy slowed down and set Mint on her feet,

"Rose-o!" She yelled excitedly running into his arms.

"Hey, baby. Who's this?" Roseo asked glaring at the boy,

"Th-is is Jerr-y! He-s m-my frie-nd!" She told him staring up at Roseo.

"I think Jeremy needs to go, doesn't he? Why don't you play with me instead, baby." Roseo purposely got Jerry's name wrong, signaling the boy to leave.

After the boy said his quick goodbyes and ran off Mint grabbed Roseo's hand and went deeper in the park. She made him climb the small stairs, making him duck his head in order to not hit his head. She made him sit down at the lip of the slide and was going to push him down the slide when he grabbed her.

Mint squealed when Roseo lifted her off the ground and into his lap,

"Lets go down together." He stated simply.

" He stated simply

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very short:(

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