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"Why would you say that?" Kyler asks as we walk into my near empty old room.

"Say what?" I ask confused.

"Say it like that. They think we're about to mate," He exclaims.

"Are we?" I ask teasingly.

He elbows me in the side. Hard. I gasp at the sharp pain and shove him back. He falls forward to the next step.

"Wow, was almost breaking my jaw not enough?" He asks me. My face falls.

"My god, I'm just kidding, get over it," He tells me with a laugh.

"I'm really sorry," I say with a sad face.

"You know I'm not some fragile flower. I'm an alpha too," He informs me with a huff. I nod, understanding that he want's to be treated as an equal. We walk into my empty room and sink onto my bed together.

"Are we just going to forget that we hate each other?" I ask not wanting to open old wounds. He just nods and closes his eyes.

"You're tired?"

"Yeah, because unlike you I didn't take a three-hour nap," He tells me. I chuckle and remain silent. After a few minutes I hear his breathing even out. I'll have to ask if he want to move into my pack house with me. But until then we have a lot of other things to do. We have to introduce each other to our packs and inform them of combining the packs.

Then he can move in with me. If he wants to. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I say to the mystery person. I watch as Kyler's mom sticks her head in.

"We're going to go. Kyler can stay with you," She informs me. I nod with a smile. I look down at his beautiful features, taking it all in.

"What's next?" I hear him ask, suddenly awake.

"Well we have to introduce each other to our packs, let them know we're combining, and then move you in with me. That is if you want to," I tell him as I rub his back.

"This is all happening really fast. Less than 24 hours ago we hated each other, then my birthday rolls around, we find out we're mates, and suddenly we're all lovey dovey," He freaks.

I laugh causing him to get even more tense.

"Hating you was a waste of time. It all started because we are two alpha males who must have everyone submit."

"Let's figure out a way to coexist, and to make our wolfs tolerate each other," He tells me.

"My wolf tolerates you. Logan wants nothing more than to make you submit and mark you." He blushes at my comment and hits my chest.

"Well what if I told you Jacob wants to do that to you."

"I know Jacob doesn't want that. Logan says he wants to be claimed," I whisper seductively in his ear.

"Why do we have to move into your suit. What about mine?" He whines, changing the subject.

"Well once we combine the packs, my house will be in the middle, it just makes sense."

"Yeah, I suppose," He says as he sits up.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up as well. He doesn't say anything, his hand just caresses my eye where he punched me.

"I know I told you to get over it, but I really am sorry," He says sounding depressed.

"Get over it," I command grabbing his chin and crashing my lips against his. He pulls away first, sucking in air.

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