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I stare nervously at the silent crowd. My nerves are settled when only seconds later they erupt in cheers and screams. I can't help but smile at their joy. Dom thanks everyone before leading me to exit the stage. I see my and Dom's parents wave to us as they talk to their friends. We return the wave and head to the training part of the yard, where the fields are. I sit down on a bench, watching as usual, people probably just now understanding why. I watch hungrily as he moves around shirtless. The way sweat drips down his abs. I stand up, not being able to handle it.
"Dom, I need your help with something."
"Okay, Eli and Peter, can you guys keep going?" They nod to him and he follows me into the house.
"What'd you need?" I don't answer, just lead him up to our apartment. Right when we get inside the front door I grab his hand and press it against my hard member.
"Kyler. I can't just stop training because you're horny," He tells me. I turn away from him, suddenly embarrassed. I walk to the kitchen as teats stream down my face. I grab some chips and walk into the bedroom. I listen closely not knowing where Dom went. After a few minutes I hear him walk to the bedroom causing me to sigh. I flip onto my side with my back to him. Refusing to let him see me cry. He probably already thinks I'm weak, and how could I blame him? I am weak. This causes more tears and it takes everything in me to keep them quiet.
"Hey, I'm going to head back to training okay? I'll be back," He assures me.
"Whatever," I say cringing when my voice comes out shaky. I feel him crawl in behind me, rolling me onto my side.
"Why are you crying?"
"I'm not you dick," I shoot back, not angry. These mood swings are kicking my ass. I'm surprised when Dom pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight.
"I'm sorry baby. Want to hear something that'll hopefully cheer you up?" I nod hesitantly.
"We have an appointment at the courthouse in three days, on Saturday." I smile brightly at this. I don't move out of his hold. He just rubs his hand up and down my back while I bury my head in his neck. As the tears dry up, I decide on getting more tortilla chips. So I shimmy out of his hold and look at his face.
"What are the odds you'll get up and get me my tortilla chips?" I ask in a sweet voice. He just groans and stands up, walking to the kitchen without a word.
"Are we going to tell our parents we are getting married?"
"No, they are going to be gone anyway. Again. All they ever do is go on vacations together. I'm surprised they were even home today for the announcement." Dom nods in agreement before handing me my chips. I grab them eagerly and start chomping down on them.
"Do you think I like being needy?" I ask randomly.
"Of course not baby. But I like when you're being needy," He says seductively.
"Nah we can't fuck. You made that perfectly clear."
"No baby. I just meant while I was training," He reasons with me.
"I'm not in the mood anymore," I answer, turning the tv on. He sits stunned as I give Netflix my full attention. Getting over it, he cuddles up beside me as we watch The 100.
"Not gonna lie I'd fuck Bellamy," I tell Dom seriously.
"Oh yeah, me too." We watch as a shirtless Bellamy flashes across the screen. We spend the rest of the afternoon watching The 100 before we have to meet in the backyard.
"What's going on?" Me and Dom ask Peter confused.
"I don't know, I just got a link from Eli to get to the border quickly. Freaking out, we all shift, even me, and start sprinting towards the border. When we get there we see Eli bloodied with a rogue in his grip. Staying in wolf form, we command Eli to take him to the cellars. Peter goes with Eli, and me and Dom head back to the pack house. We shift back and start walking back to the house naked. A group of people come running out, wondering what the emergency was. Suddenly self conscious of my protruding stomach, I hide behind Dom. He explains how there was a rogue on the borders that Eli needed some assistance with. They all calm down and go back into the house, and I step out from behind Dom.
"Why were you hiding?" I don't answer, just point down to my belly.
"They already know you're pregnant."
"Still," I whine. He laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me up the backstairs to our apartment.
"Here," He says, throwing me some shorts that are forced to sit low on my hips. The shorts are followed by one of his big shorts that is all that fits me. I slip it on and lay down tired. Dom lays down behind me, his hands pushed up the front of my shirt, rubbing my stomach. His soothing rubs put me to sleep.

I wake up to the sun pouring in through the window. I groan and pull the blanket over my head.
"Good morning to you too, baby." I just groan back at him.
"Where are we going on our honeymoon?" This gets my attention. I peek my head out from under the blanket and see him sitting up with his laptop on his lap. The packs own land just about anywhere.
"How about Costa Rica?"
"That sounds great, but we'll have to run because the doctor said you're not allowed to go on an airplane," Dom tells me. I nod and close my eyes wanting to go back to sleep.
"Baby you can't go to sleep. We have to get everything ready for the wedding tomorrow." I nod and open my eyes, showing him I'm awake. We both force ourselves to get up, and he leads me to the breakfast he cooked.
"Dom, you always get up way too early," I tell him honestly.
"Or maybe you just get up too late."
"It's only 8:57, that is not too late."
"We have to pick up the suits today, pack for the honeymoon, and fill Peter and Eli in."
"Okay," I tell him.
"Let's start with talking to Eli and Peter, I'm not sure if the suit shop is open." I quickly finish eating and follow Dom to Eli's suite. I look around curiously, never having seen it. We knock on the door.
"See it's too early, they're asleep," I tell Dom right as the door opens disproving my point. I roll my eyes at Eli. Past him, I see Peter sleeping on the bed.
"Peter's got the right idea."
"Dom, please fill in Eli, I'm gonna talk to Peter," I say pushing past Eli. He walks out, shutting the door behind him to talk to Dom. I lay down beside Peter, knowing damn well I will in fact not be talking to him. I feel my eyes get heavy and sleep take over.

I open my eyes and see I'm in an unfamiliar room. I remember falling asleep next to Peter who isn't beside me anymore. I get up and walk out, slightly confused. I go back to our apartment, frowning when I find it empty. I follow Dom's scent down to his office, where I find him talking to our Betas.
"Well look who finally decided to join us," Eli says. I flip him off and walk over to the couch. I slouch against the arm rest and lay my head down.
"You can't go to sleep," Dom says sitting down beside me. I lean against him so I'm at least sitting up. I know he's right. If I go to sleep I'd never be able to sleep tonight.
"We appreciate how much you guys have stepped up, we wouldn't be able to do anything without you guys. So thank you. For everything," I tell them both.
"Of course, does this mean we get naming rights over the baby?" Peter asks jokingly.
"Oh my god, for the last time. We know the gender, we have a name, and no, we won't tell you," I tell him with a laugh. Eventually they leave, and me and Dom decide to do the last two things on our list. We both go to the suit shop and pick up the tux's we ordered only days ago.
"I'm still surprised at how you were able to pull this together at such a last minute."
"Baby I'm rich, not to brag or anything. And people will do anything for money." I nod.
"I know, but it's still crazy," I tell him as we sift through the closet, packing our bags for the two week long honeymoon.
"I can't wait to marry you," He whispers, pressing his lips to mine.

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