the beginning

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"It appears that the government has tried on multiple accounts to deescalate the situation between the wars but their systems seem to be failing, Senator. And they're not just failing their jobs, they're costing hundreds upon thousands their lives for this meaningless nonsense. When will the needless violence end--"

"Chéri, when will you listen when I tell you to change the channel? I do not want to hear about that negativity this early in the morning."

Mama said as she headed down the burgundy carpeted hallway of our single story house into the tiny kitchen, the heels of her chunky shoes clopping ridiculously on the carpet.

It almost sounded like the hooves of a young horse or were they called foals?

I could never remember and Mama never bothered to correct me on the correct terminology, she was always too busy at work for much of her family anymore.

But I couldn't blame her, jobs with the government were hard to handle.

And even harder to keep during these unpredictable circumstances.

I just wished she could've been around a bit more, spent a bit more time with her daughters.

Maybe then, everything would've felt like it meant something.

Like we meant something.

But that was just my wishful illogical thinking going on inside my brain.

After all, I was only twelve.

I shouldn't be contemplating the meaning of life at such a young age but I couldn't help it.

The world forced the old to grow depressed and bitter and the youth to grow up way too quickly.

Life used to be normal or at least, for our ancestors their routine might've resembled something like a rare day for our generation.

They would've been out walking the streets without fear of being gunned down by military or militia, they would've been out giggling and laughing at the oddest of things such as birds chirping or the scent of freshly baked goods from a nearby sweet shop.

They would've been carefree.


Unaware of the terrible tragedy that would soon arise for their lineage to come.

But I'm getting a bit off topic here and maybe I should start from the beginning.

My name is Mabel Minerva and I live in a world that was quickly decaying from the inside out, rotting at the core like a bad apple that was ruining the closest bunch to it.

Wars have been waged, few one and most lost and just like the bodies that were piling up on the left and the right, everyone was to blame for the chaos and mass destruction.

Our world has always been like this for as long as I could remember, we have always had to fear for our lives, day and night, and no matter what we did or did not do, nothing could stop the countries and nations from turning on one another.

Nobody really knows what started it all, possibly global warming if you can believe in those idiots.

All most of us remember is blaming one another for the killings, the destruction of cities, the injuries that we have sustained over the years.

The planet was quickly dying in front of our eyes, the air was foggy and thick with chemicals, so much so that it was hard to breathe without a cloth covering our nose and mouths.

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