good idea❌

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Looking back in hindsight, maybe it wasn't the best idea I've ever had in the entire span of my lifetime to kiss an alien male who may or may not reciprocate the same feelings of desire that I so clearly displayed towards him but what can I say?

I've always been known to push the limits of my capabilities and right now, making out with an alien who could destroy me with the flick of his pinkie finger if he really wanted to was pretty much as far as I was willing to push my limits lately.

But my dear God!

The man may have never kissed a woman before but God, his lips are perfect and he tastes like the woodlands and hope.

Like sunshine and darkness at the same time.

He tasted like roughness and dark promises and I couldn't get enough of him.

I still can't get enough of him, even when his large hands rubbed across the backs of my arms before they slipped around the back of my shoulder blades, his fingers trailing across the vertebrae of my spine before they gently slid into the waves of red hair that cascaded down and around my shoulders, hair that was woven around his fingers like a flexible coil that bent and was manipulated just by his very touch.

The softest, barest hint of a moan escaped from the depths of my throat as his fingers gently tugged on the strands of my hair, his hands slowly tilting my head back, his rough and calloused hands scraping against my soft skin as his mouth encompassed my own.

He took everything that I had to offer and then some.

He gave me just what I wanted and what I never knew I needed, he gave me safety.

There was a certain calming peace and bliss that came with his kiss, like the calm before the storm, the rolling clouds of darkness before the thunder and lightning struck.

Or before the shit hits the fan but I do like getting a bit creative with my analogies every now and then.


My stomach clenched with desire when he moaned my name, a breathy sigh escaping my chest as my fingers had a mind of their own and skated across the hardened planes of his chest, dipping into the divets of his defined abdomen that was visible only by touch through his tunic shirt.

My hands came around his sides and trailed up his muscular back, the tiniest hint of a smile threatening to pull across my cheeks when Zaxton shuddered at my touch, his muscles rippling as his body wanted to surrender to the pleasure that mine could offer and yet, he wasn't fully ready to give into his innermost desires.

But that didn't mean that I felt the same.

I was more then willing to jump his bones if and when given the right chance to.

Hell, I would have jumped onto him like an overly eager squirrel pounced onto the nut they had been searching for the longest time for.


Yes, I may be one of the intelligent beings to grace the Celestial but I still have the humor of a twelve year old boy.

Not all of my qualities are good, humans are flawed, after all.

It was just how we were created and programmed to behave, I was just following in the natural instincts set before me upon this path.

But I may be getting off topic.

Let me switch it back to the matters at hand.

"Yes, Zaxton?"

I said as he pulled back just enough to nuzzle his face against the inside of my throat, the stubble on his jawline scratching against my sensitive skin but I didn't mind the burn.

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