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Oh, God, no….No, this can't be happening.

This can't actually be happening right now, can it?

My head spun as my panicked eyes gazed upon the scenery that was immensely different from what was on Earth, because if I was on Earth, none of this would actually be here right now.

Most of this beautiful, nearly picturesque scenery of smooth rolling ocean waves, green trees that lay just beyond a faraway golden white sand shoreline could not belong to Earth.

My home planet was demolished from the last time I was there and my only hope had been that, even during the aftermath of the catastrophic events, I'd still be able to find Mama and bring her to the Celestial so we could be reunited as a family of three.

But this wasn't Earth by a long shot and my Mama wouldn't be here which only meant one thing to me now.

I was on the wrong fucking planet and I'm going to die out here without anyone ever knowing I was here in the first place.

Even though I tried to remain calm about the situation, I could feel the anxiety eating away at me, could feel the panic arising in the depths of my chest as a loud, ringing noise suddenly blasted through my ears and it almost made me want to cover my ears from irritation alone.

The noise wasn't any sort of man-made radio like contraption that could put off soundwaves from an unknown destination, this noise was inside my head as my blood pressure was rapidly rising up until all I could hear was the sound of blood pumping through my ears, my knees shaking and knocking together as my chest heaved for air that couldn't push quickly in and out of my lungs like my body was telling it to do.

So that's where I was, having a goddamn panic attack on the damaged landing platform of the Calypso, on an alien planet nonetheless, and I had no fucking clue as to how to get to dry land or how to repair the Calypso since most of my equipment was submerged several feet under the water.

It would be like hunting for a needle in a haystack, virtually impossible and time consuming as well.

Okay, calm down, space girl.

You're not going to get anywhere if you keep freaking yourself out!

Deep breaths in and out, alright?

Just because there was a little mistake with the coordinates doesn't mean we can't fix this!

I do blame the Commander for that because if she wouldn't have fired at me using her leeches of employees, I probably wouldn't have been stuck in this unpredictable situation that I was in now.

I wanted to start pacing, if for only a moment to clear my head, but I knew that nervous habit wouldn't save my ass from the shocking jolt that was my new reality.

Instead, I had to come up with a viable solution to this disaster, starting with the fact that, as odd as it may seem to comments on, the water beneath the Calypso had stopped it's rapid flooding of my spaceship.

My heart leaped in my throat as I realized why the water had stopped gushing in, if the telltale sign that it was sinking beneath my feet wasn't an obvious observation, then the fact that the water was now reaching my waist after barely splashing my feet moments ago caused another surge of panic to flood my veins.

Because the water wasn't receding.

It was going to pull the entire spaceship under in the next minute or so and there was nothing I could do about it.

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