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"Mae? Mabel, where are you? I don't see you anywhere…"

The soft voice of my younger sister, Collette, calling out for me awoke me from the tranquil slumber I had been unwillingly subjected to, my head lifting up from the grassy field that my body had been placed in without my knowledge and a small groan left my lips as one of my hands reached up to rub the rapidly forming goose egg on the back of my head.

Just what exactly had happened earlier?

I thought I had ended up crashing down on another planet earlier in the day, I thought I was in another galaxy system altogether when I heard my sister calling out for me.

But why would she be calling out for me?

Collette couldn't reach me out here, even with the strongest, most powerful of signals from a locating and tracker device.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

Or at least, that's what I thought before I felt her hands reaching down to wrap around my shoulders after her surprised exclamation echoed throughout the valley of fields all around us, the touch nearly as ghostly pale as she was and my eyes widened as Lettie, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, pulled me into my feet with surprising strength that I didn't think she had in her considering how young she was.

My sister, who was barely a tween and just starting to grow into her own skin, stared at me with a gentleness in her expression that I haven't seen in the longest of times.

In fact….I don't think I've ever seen Lettie look at me the same way that she did when she was a little kid, after she realized that Mama wasn't coming to our rescue and she would have to listen to the teachings of her older sister instead of our mother.

After she realized that instead of our beautiful, smart, clever, silver tongued mother teaching her how to grow up in a rapidly evolving world where we couldn't tell what was right or wrong anymore, what was up or down….She would have to deal with me instead.

After that knowledge sunk into her growing brain, Lettie stopped liking me, if she had started in the first place.

And I couldn't blame her for hating me. I wasn't good like our mother, wasn't as smart or as agile or even as fierce as Mama and I still had to try my best to be somewhere near what one heck of a woman that she was.

When did I start saying "heck" anyways?

Hell if I know.

"Lettie? Is that actually you?"

I asked as if I had the slightest sneaking suspicion that I could be wrong, that this could be a figment of my imagination that was conjured up from the depths of my oxygen deprived brain, but when my fingers came in contact with her skin, when I felt the taut flesh of her forearms beneath my fingers as I held onto her while my balance was steadied.

"Lettie….This actually is you, isn't it? How is this possible?"

I half asked her and half wondered aloud whilst my little sister shook her head in amazement, the same confused expression that struck across my own face mirroring back at me as Lettie was just as confused by these circumstances as I was.

Because unless we were both dead, or dying at the same time which would be the only logical explanation as to why we were meeting on this spiritual plane out of all of the places to meet, Lettie and I had somehow managed to cross the threshold that held the dimensions of quantum time and the space time continuum altogether to be able to meet on this planet at this very moment.

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