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Do you know that feeling when something starts to go from sort of okay and then it gets bad before everything just goes right down the drain after you pass terrible-ville and shithead land as well?

That feeling like things just couldn't get any worse then what they were already at but, as it turns out, everything can always get worse even if you really don't try at all?

Or if you do try, it still ends up getting worse and worse and you just want to say "fuck it all" and run off into the oblivious abyss and never turn back?

Well, that's basically how I was feeling after we had walked through town and had arrived at this expansive building that Zaxton called the Kingdom's Palace and my world had completely spun upside down from there on out.

But that was only a few minutes down the road from where our current situation was right now.

Right now, we were only heading through the city towards the Palace and if my future self could've talked to my current self, I'm pretty sure I would have backhanded the younger version of myself and told the version that she was being a dumbass and she needed to get far away from this place as possible.

That she needed to do whatever she could to get her ass off this planet and it didn't matter that she was now interacting with the native inhabitants of the planet.

That it wouldn't matter what she felt then versus what was going to happen and how her life was about to change for both the good and the bad as well.

Because no matter what she felt, something bad was going to happen to her.

And I wish I could have told her this but my future self wasn't always a narcissist like my current self was and since that would basically break the barrier of the time space continuum altogether, I was partially glad I wasn't able to talk to my future or past self even as Zaxton and Zion were leading me through the crowded streets of their city because my future self wouldn't have been able to contain her otherwise snide remarks inside her head that nobody else could hear as she, or more like I, watched as many passer-bys openly gawked and stared at us casually strolling through the town.

Though I wish it was a stroll right now.

This is starting to feel more and more like the casual walk to the death chamber with every step I take.

Their stares gave me the creeps and the whispered amongst the natives made my stomach roll and the acid churn inside my veins with bouts of nervous anxiety, the translating device that was hidden beneath the layers of the heavy vest practically attached my skin and being the only thing that could help me understand their language verbally before my brain could begin the process of translating it.

Learning their language was going to take me months if I even had that kind of time, the device was a simpler way of getting the point across and it went both ways too, it wasn't simply for my sole purpose to use alone.

And the words that the device made out on occasion only made me want to clench my jaw harder and stand still so I didn't feel like I wanted to murder somebody.

But alas, I had to keep moving forward, even if their words stung harder than a bee sting.

"What in the Fates….Do you see this as well?"

"Oh goodness! What in the Fates are they doing in the Kingdom? And who do they have with them?"

"It appears to be a prisoner, a male presumably, though it also appears to be of a foreign descent….Do you think it could be female in nature instead?"

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