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Some might say that I was a bit strange for a young spaceman or would it be space girl like Indie always calls me?

I'm not too sure on the terms and technicalities when it comes to referring to someone who may have been forced to illegally commandeer a spacecraft or faced the deadly consequences of breaking international space laws which definitely shouldn't have been a thing in the first place, if you want my opinion on the matter.

What difference would it make anyways, those fucking laws?

If you weren't perfect and did everything right or weren't under the wings of Commander Ophelia's protection, you were automatically deemed insufferable, too awful to handle or were simply taking up valuable time that could be wasted on more meaningful stuff like, say, committing crimes such as harboring fugitives from several other habitable planets just because you felt like it and didn't realize it was somehow a crime now.

That was me, by the way, in that scenario.

And to confirm some suspicious conspiracy theorists out there, yes, the aliens that we all have heard about are indeed real but they're also kind of boring?

The most I've gotten out of the conversation I had from a mutated seaweed plant was that they enjoy the ocean.

I rolled my eyes inwards at my own idiotic sense of humor, most of the skeptics on aliens still believed that we would encounter some sort of advanced version of humans or those little green blobs that everybody's afraid of.

What most people don't realize is that most of the "alien" life forms out there were rudimentary such as gently moving coral reefs, algae that rapidly grew across types of oceanic crusts or crooked trees with oddly sparkling blush colored leaves that made you feel strangely high?

Those leaves from the trees were so powerful and strong in their unique overwhelming fragrance that it was almost like you could just take a hit off the leaves themselves and you'd feel the effects of the hallucinogenic, natural drugs before you even had a chance to blink, let alone make it back to your spaceship that lay only a few meters away.

Not that I would have any experience in that last part but from what I've gathered when it came to eavesdropping on the Explorers who returned from their scheduled mission, those hallucinates could be strong as shit but that part was definitely from a bit of experience after I ended up sneaking a few flowers back into my resting quarters and nearly passed out from the intoxicating fumes the leaves were admitting.

But I was getting off track here, I was too busy reminiscing about the excursions I had in my rebellious youthful days to bring myself back into the awfulness that was my current reality yet nevertheless, I was still abruptly startled back into the land, or shall I say vortex considering the current unusual circumstances, of the living by the strangest sound of a beeping noise resonating throughout the cabin of the Calypso.

Where in the bloody Mary Hell is that coming from?

A confused frown, that was bound to leave a permanent indentation in my forehead, formed out of nowhere as I scanned the room for any obvious signs of internal damage from the rapid evasion of Commander Ophelia's following fighter jets.

Upon my visual search, nothing too noticable seemed to be out of place, a fact that I found to be a bit comforting considering the reality that I was most definitely an international wanted space criminal and Commander Ophelia was probably already placing a bounty on my head for capture, dead or alive.

Honestly, I wouldn't even put it past her to do something like that.

She kinda sticks me as that type anyways.

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