Chapter 8

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Scene opens up to a drum roll.
(I had no idea what to do with the even so I'm cutting it short)

"And the award for the best song of the decade goes to..." Began Umbra, stretching out the sentance.

"Jet Blak 'Back from the Dead'!" he announced.

As the crowd went wild the lights suddenly went out and silence owercame the stadium.

The sound of someone walking could be hers as a spotlight turns on and moves around the stage before finding its target and following it. There he walked, Jet Blak, in the outfit mentioned in the previous chapter, guitar in hands.

Jet Smirked and turned his head towards the crowd.

As he came to the center of the stage he turned towards the Crowd.

"I'm undefeated." he stated.

And he begins to play his guitar.

Play Undefeated by Skillet.

The crowd went wild as he finished his song. Lights turning back on, showing that the security had to hold of some hardcore fans from jumping Jet.

Jet smiled and gave a thumbs up towards the security, receiving a two finger salute from the head of security.

As the crowd began to calm down Umbra addressed Jet.

"Mr. Blak, one question. What is your song hadn't won?" he asked.

"I had a backup titled 'Fuck you and you and everyone'." he stated smirking, before laughing out loud.

"Nah, but I was pretty much sure I would win. And you know... Being so good makes me feel... INVINCIBLE." He stated as he began playing his guitar once more.

Play Feel Invincible by Skillet.

As he stopped playing he signed to the crowd to calm down.

"Alright, alright, you can chear later. Now listen up." Began Jet.

He started walking around the stage, his guitar now slung on his back.

"I am but a simple mad. I am what you all made me. I wouldn't be here without you all... And especially a few people. I went thrue a lot in my time when I was gone from the spotlight, and if it wasn't for those two people I wouldn't be here tonight. The two of know who you are, thank you for being there for me. And thanks to everyone who voted. Thanks to everyone who came here tonight." he continued as the crowd cheered.

"To a les positive topic... I am telling you what happened to me in that time, with my songs. My next album will tell my tale. But I got to clerify some thing first.
I messed up the order of songs. There is only one song I performed since my comeback that is in my album 'Dark hours', being 'Leave it all behind.' Back from the dead, feel invincible and undefeated are part of my second album... 'Unbroken'." he explained, as he reequips his guitar.

"I can't just leave you hanging, I got to tell a story." he stated as he began playing.

Play Monster by Skillet.
Play Dead man walking by Skillet.
Play Burn it down by Skillet.
Play Time of dying by Three Days Grace.
Play Out of hell by Skillet.
Play Stronger on your own by Disturbed.

Jet finished the last song as he was now out of breath.

"And that, *pant* is the first part of my story." he stated.

The stadium was silent as of the fact that the songs were his story. Everyone was wondering what he went thrue.
The girls of K/DA were extensively worried about him.

Jet regaining his breath spoke up.

"I would say that's enough for today. But you won't have to wait long for the rest. That's a fact." he began.
"Anyway, Ima head out. I'm in way worse shape than expected, guess such a long time being inactive did effect me. With that said, Peace." he held up his right hand with the peace symbol, as he made his way off the stage and out the stadium.

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