Chapter 9

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The night passed without anymore nightmares for Jaune.

And with morning, came the comedy.

Jaune woke to the fealing of Coco sleaping peaceful, head atop of his chest and his left arm in her iron grip.

'Could get used to this.' he thought as he leaned back on the couch, now waiting for Coco to wake.

For a while he waited and slowly she did start to wake.

Coco opening her eyes, realized what position she is in and with who, went red as red can be, and unhanded Jaune.

"It's not what it looks like. I don't even know how this happened!" exclaimed a stuttering Coco.

Jaune chuckled at her reaction.

He put a arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

"Relax Cocopuff. You did this in your sleep, you had no controll over this. And besides... I dought there is a man that wouldn't like to cuddle with you."he stated nonchalantly.

Coco blushe at that even more, if that is posible at this point.

Jaune chuckled and pat her on the head.

" You are way to cute when you are flustered." he stated.

"Whatever." muttered an embarrassed Coco.

In the background you cold see Velvet observing them, as she was unable to decide if she should disturb them.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Jaune/Jet being haunted by his past selfs.

After the three had light breakfast Jaune excused himself and went of to somewhere in the mansion.

We see Jaune on the balcony of his mansion looking into the distance, towards Beacon. In his hand was a lighter he was playing with.

"Didn't knew you smoked

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"Didn't knew you smoked." stated Coco as she joined him on the balcony.

"I don't." he answered.
"This thing was a present from one of my best friends. And besides I like playing with it." he explained, showing the lighter to her.

"What's with the emblam and letters?" she asked.

"Well, this emblem is Jets. Jet Blak Angel and all, the wings. The bottle explains itself." he stated geting a nod in confirmation from Coco.

"And the letters. V W G. Is for Vodka, Whiskey and Gin. I used to dink before all this shit... Just not in the scale I do now. And that was what I normally would drink." explained Jaune.

"Any who gave it to you?" asked Coco.

"A dead man. Hes no longer with us." stated Jaune.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." stated Coco.

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