Chapter 12 The Brothers That Bring Chaos

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Gues who's back, back again,
Me, ima back, back again...

I was kinda busy playing minecraft on a realm with some chill people and I was working on a project of mine that I will make open to the public soon enough. For those who like my storys, you will he interested in it.

Untill then, have a chapter of this...


With rage that that scared the Grimm, Jaune drove down the side of the cliff, and on the side he shot Mozzie a message.

E days Timeakip to Friday, Lisa's studio.

"Welcome everyone, today we managed to pull a few strings to get a inteviev with the one, the only, Mozzie." Lisa announced Chearfuly.

Mozzie, who sat on the couch on the right to Lisa's desk, just gave a two finger salute and a 'Good day.'
He was in his biking gear and all.

The audience in the studio cheered.

"It's a pleasure to have you here." stated Lisa.

"Pleasure's all mine." Mozzie countered.

"Charming. I'm gona get straight into the juicy bits. What drove you towards motocross. No pun intended." shafted lisa.

"It was just the next thing to draw my attention after I left the firefighting department." he stated, as he fished out his scroll, replying to a message he received.

"You were a fire fighter? Quite the exiting job, isn't it?" Lisa asked.

"But of course it is, that's why I did it. I live my life with excitement. When one thing looses its spark I mowe on to the next exciting thing." he stated, receiving another message.

"So how long do you plan on staying in the motocross scene then?" asked Lisa.

"Who knows, maybe a bit, maybe a few years... On a norther note. Shits about to get real." he states as the lights went out and a projector starts playing a video.

The video follows two figures. One in black and one in tan colors.

The scene changes to a black muscle car driving thrue forever fall.

The car stops and out cane the two figures.

Play Murder Melody by Cult to follow.

Camera zooms on on the tan colored figure, revealing it to be Mozzie, in his biking gear plus a bullet roof vest, loading his super shorty.

The camera then zooms on the black figure, reveling it to be Jet Blak. He was loading a sawed of BOSG(Stock fully sawed of, barrel only slightly shortened.), flipping it shut.

The camera Flys up int the sky with the presumed help of a drone, revealing the two to be standing besides the car in a clearing In the forces, grim charging them from all sides.

The camera flashes to Jet angrily smirking, and Mozzie correcting his shades.

And that's when the fighting montage begins.

Mozzie sliding under a charging beowolf, shooting its stomach in the proces.

Jet taking aim and firering and killing two beowolf, and then using the but of the shotgun to bash in a third Grimm.

The two keep on killing grim, till a bigger group consisting of mostly beowolfs and a few ursai and boarbatusk.

Mozzie shouts something to Jet that could not be heard over the music.

Jet redys his shotgun like a bat, Mozzie pulls out a Nitr Cell and throws it towards Jet.

Jet swing and hits the nitro cell towards the group of Grimm, Mozzie activates it and blasts them to bits.

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