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Chapter Fourteen - Pending Consequences

Judah Jackson's P.O.V.

My leg bounces as I sit on the sofa with my fingers interlocked tightly. We leave Spain in thirty minutes and I've just watched Macy get roughed up by the team. Parker is now making some superficial wounds so it comes across as believable then she'll be tied up. She took it like a champ but it still pained me to see her get hurt. The realization that she's used to this breaks my heart.

Warm hazel eyes meet mine and her smile takes my breath away like usual. I wish I could help somehow. I wish she didn't have to go back to the lion's den and potentially get hurt. When I found out who she is I was surprised, especially when I realized that she's the same woman from the strip club. That didn't put me off though, in fact she draws me in like a moth to a flame. I'm obsessed with her sweet yet fiery soul.

My feelings for her terrify me. I want to wake up with her beside me and hold her close every night as she falls asleep on my chest. I look for her everywhere and want to protect her from everything, no matter how small. I know I'm not fully in love yet but I sure am getting there. Whenever I think about my life before meeting her it pushes me into a state of disbelief because life has never felt as good as it does when I'm with her.

And now, I might never see her again.

If Quintana finds out about her betrayal I don't even want to imagine what he'll do to her. That clip is my only hope in knowing that she's safe. A deep sigh escapes me as I flop back against the couch.

"Done. You okay?" Parker asks her and she nods with a glance to the cuts on her arms and legs. "Good. Let's move you to the chair."

I try not to jump up and carry her to the chair when she stands with a hiss. Reece works on wrapping a rope tightly around her body and legs before Griffin advises we need to move out. My heart races with a painful ache at the thought of leaving her here but I get up regardless.

I want to talk to her, wrap her up in my arms and kiss her but Griffin will murder me if he finds out about us. The day she was caught and passed out in the van he told me about her, also warning me not to get involved. Clearly I have a problem listening to authoritative figures.

"Good luck Marcella." Griffin nods at her as he hauls his backpack onto his shoulders. "Stick to the plan and we'll have security on standby to get you and Cameron out of there before shit goes down."

"Got it, thanks." She smiles before whispering something to Reece as she hugs her. "Bye guys. See you soon...hopefully."

"Come on Judah." Griffin calls as he starts leaving the room while Parker and Cole say goodbye to Macy.

"Oh shit – wait! Judah can I just take a quick look at your stitches before we move?" Parker glances at me with a panicked look. "I don't want them loosening and slowing us down later on."

"Just be quick Park." Griffin grunts as they walk out through the back entrance.

I bend to start pulling up my jeans when Parker stops me with a laugh. "Go say goodbye to her properly."

"What?" I breathe and stare at him in confusion.

"I'm not blind Judah. I know you guys like each other." He grins boyishly before pushing me towards Macy. "Hurry up! I'll wait by the door."

I shake my head with a laugh as he leaves before rushing to Macy. "Please be safe, always keep that clip on and –"

"Shut up and kiss me already." She chuckles and tilts her head up.

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