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Chapter Twenty Nine - Awaited Second Date

Judah's P.O.V.

"Mace, wake up."

She opens her eyes and looks around dazedly until they meet my amused ones. I chuckle and lean down to kiss her cheek before pulling her onto my lap. A big yawn escapes her as she rubs her eyes before looking around again in confusion. We've been on the jet for a while now and Macy probably thinks we're about to land in London.

"We're home?"

"Not quite." I smile secretively and hold her tight. "Remember how I promised you a second date?"

That wakes her up and she stares at me with wide eyes. "Where are we?"

"Italy." I grin as I pull up the window cover.

"No way!" She gasps and pushes closer to look at the scenery down below.

"Roman and Elena have a property at Lake Como here in Lombardy that we'll be staying at." I explain and she turns back to me with excitement.

"So, how long are we here for?"

"Two nights. I have some more surprises for you tomorrow." I wink and she hugs me tightly with a squeal.

"This is so cool!" She exclaims before kissing me softly. "Thank you Judah. You didn't have to do this. We could've had a date back home."

"I did say that you deserve everything I can offer and more remember?" I recall and she nods in agreement. "Now, it's better during Summer but it still holds its charm during the colder months so we'll have a great time regardless."

"That's alright, I'm not a big fan of hot weather anyways so this is perfect." A stunning smile blooms across her lips as she stares at the runway in the distance.

"You're something else dove." I chuckle which makes her frown in confusion. "How about you go freshen up? We're about to land in a few minutes and our date starts as soon as we're off the plane."

"Any dress code?" She teases as she stands.

"Casual. It's warmer today but it's probably going to be freezing by this evening." I grab her hand to kiss it as she walks past.

I check up on work and reply to some emails while I wait for her. I'm nervous as fuck because I want this date to be perfect, nothing hectic or adventurous just like she wants. I can do that. Eventually, Macy returns with her hair now in a ponytail and some light makeup on. I kind of miss her longer hair but her new hair cut makes her look cute.

"Okay?" She asks worriedly as she gives me a twirl.

"Perfect as always." I grin boyishly which causes her to roll her eyes in response.

We finish watching the rest of a show before the plane lands in Milan. I watch as Macy looks around in awe as we drive towards our first stop and laugh when her eyes bug out over seeing the iconic landmarks once we arrive. We spend a few hours here walking around, eating some snacks and shopping before driving to Lombardy. But the driver stops just as we're near the house.

"What's going on?" Macy asks with a confused frown as I thank the driver and help her out of the car.

"I thought it was time to change to a more fun mode of transport." I point to the two Vespas waiting for us at the side.

"I've always wanted to drive one of these!" She gasps before rushing over to the man waiting for us.

I help her with her helmet and point to the house at the bottom of the hill we're on so that she knows where we're going. Thanking the man, we drive off and I smile widely at the sound of her carefree laughter as she rides beside me. A few chuckles escape me here and there whenever I spot her excited grin through the mirror of my Vespa and I feel relief that she's enjoying herself.

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