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Chapter Nineteen - Trickster

Cameron Quintana's P.O.V.

I stand watching the car my sister is in get smaller and smaller in the distance until it disappears. My heart races in fear for her safety yet it also aches at the same time because I wish I could go with her. I must end the Quintana empire once and for all though and that's what stops me. I'm not going to let Marcella and I live this life of pain and hopelessness anymore. I'm going to be brave and do better for my little sister to give her everything she deserves. To give myself everything I deserve.

The rumble of an engine behind me pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn to see another car approach. The doors leading up to Rodrigo's office open just as it stops before me and I watch two of my most trusted men bring Alejandra Santos down. Her dark brown eyes are wide as they meet mine and her caramel hair is a wild mess of curls falling against her back. Her bronze skin is littered with bruises, scrapes and bandages from what my father did to her. I gesture for them to back off before holding out my hand to her which she hesitantly takes.

"One of my men will take you to a private jet at an abandoned strip. From there you will be brought back home." I explain and her jaw drops as she stares at me in disbelief. "Quintana will be taken down soon so until then make yourself scarce."

"I-I thought you...what?" She mumbles in a soft yet confused voice.

"Me and my sister were brought up in this world but we never wanted any part of it. We are innocent and I'm going to put an end to my father's reign. I apologize for everything he's done to you." I put my hand on the small of her back and push her towards the car. "You must leave now. We don't have much time and I need to get back."

She turns around to face me with a vehement shake of her head. "How many numbers do you have?"

"Around a thousand people."

"I will send a thousand more. You know how to reach me so all I need is a location and time." She states firmly and I move to protest but she cuts me off. "Don't you dare resist Cameron. You will need the help so take what you are offered."

The fire in her eyes quirks my lips upwards and I nod. "Thank you. I'll let you know when the time is right. Now, go."

She nods but hesitates and I frown at her in confusion. Her eyes meet mine and she shoots me a small smile before hugging me tightly. I suddenly realize that she fits perfectly in my arms and close my eyes briefly over the rush of something unknown yet so right coursing through my veins. I barely hear her soft "be safe," before she gets in the car with a wave. Closing the door after her I tap on the top of it before they drive off. Just as they disappear I turn and make my way back up to Rodrigo's office with the men.

"Move quickly." I order them as we walk up to the third floor where I was being kept in a spare room.

They tie me up again before I nod at them to let my father know that I'm awake. It only takes a few minutes for him to get here but when he does I pretend to struggle with my restraints. He sighs heavily as he drags a chair across and sets it in front of me before sitting down. I glare at him but confusion grows within me as he pulls out an envelope from his coat pocket.

"Why did you shoot Marcie?! Where is she?! And why am I tied up?!" I seethe as I stop struggling to get out. "Let me go right now!"

"Leave us." He commands and I watch the men file out of the room before the door shuts.

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