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Chapter Twenty Eight - Birthday Bonds

Third February.

I make my way downstairs after showering and getting dressed. Today is Noah's birthday and we have planned a surprise party for him but we need to get him out of the house for the day. All of us had a celebratory breakfast this morning with his favorite food but everyone scattered after that. As there's a lot of people in this family I end up being the only one with nothing to do.

"Hey Noah." I greet as I reach the living room where he's sitting with his arms crossed.

"Hi Marcie." He grumbles and I frown at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Everyone's busy on my birthday and our dinner reservations aren't until tonight!" He sulks as he scuffs his shoe against the carpet. "I have the whole day off but nothing to do. Even my girlfriend is busy today. I bet you're busy too!"

"I'm not actually." I chuckle when he perks up in excitement. "Why don't we go do something?"

"Yes! Let's go right now!" He exclaims happily and runs to grab the keys of Judah's car. "You can drive right?"

"I sure can! Let me grab my purse." I smile when he cheers and races out the door.

I quickly run up to grab my things before looking around for Judah. I find most of the family outside working and grin when I hear them discussing how to get Noah to leave. The gloomy sky makes Judah's eyes appear darker when he turns to face me but his gorgeous smile brightens my day as usual. He kisses my cheek and wraps an arm around my waist just as I reach him.

"Me and Noah will be out for a few hours. He wanted to do something and I'm the only one not busy so..." I trail off with a shrug.

"Thank god!" Theo sighs in relief.

"Text us when you're about to head back sweet pea." Michelle states distractedly as she rummages in a box of decorations.

"Will do. I'll see you guys later!" I kiss Judah's cheek before backing away with a wave.

"Keep him busy until five!" Evan shouts and I give him a thumbs up before turning.

I get into the car and instantly smile when my favorite song is playing. "I love this song."

"No way?! It's my favorite!" Noah laughs as we leave the gates. "So, where do you want to go?"

"I should be asking you that birthday boy." I chuckle as we drive towards the city center. "What do you want to do today? We have a couple of hours before dinner."

"Can we go to six flags?"

"Sure, put it in the GPS." I nod and he grins before entering it.

"Look! That's where I go to school." He points to the building we pass. "It's where all of us studied anyways."

"It's your last year isn't it? Any idea what you want to do?"

"Yeah, I have finals in a few months and then I'm off to college. I've applied to universities wherever my brothers are so I can be close to someone." He explains as he lowers the volume a little. "I want to study something in Biology and Engineering."

"Oh wow!" I gasp before frowning in confusion. "Wait...what about your girlfriend, Evie? Are you guys going to be attending different universities?"

"No, she wants to do something in science too but she's just not sure what exactly to choose. So, she's going to do general science and then major in what she likes." He explains and I nod in understanding. "She's applied to wherever I have."

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