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Chapter Thirty One - Serenity

Judah Jackson's P.O.V.

My leg bounces anxiously as my driver weaves in and out of traffic. I'm itching to just take over the wheel myself and break every speed limit but I calm myself. Instead, I repeatedly check my phone every few seconds like a maniac to see if there's any new update.

Macy went into labor a few minutes ago and I'm panicking over the thought of missing my first child's birth. I knew I shouldn't have listened to her! I think to myself with a scowl as I glare at the window. I had to fly up north for a meeting which I insisted on skipping but Macy was confident that I wouldn't miss her due date. Everything was running according to schedule too until my damn plane got delayed. She's going to kill me!

I run my hand across my face with a groan thinking of the worst-case scenarios. I promised Macy I would be in the delivery room with her when she gave birth. I cannot miss this! Taking a deep breath, I try to stay calm and direct my attention elsewhere. My thoughts immediately go back to the time she told me we were going to have a baby and I smile.

"Jude?" Macy calls as I bring over our dinner to the sitting room. "Do you want to do a puzzle with me?"

"Sure dove." I kiss her temple as I hand her the plate. She excitedly empties out a bag with the pieces and I chuckle at her being adorable as usual. "Where's the picture for it so we can see what the end result needs to be?"

"Uh...it's a surprise. I know what it is so I'll guide you." She smiles, albeit nervously, but I nod as we get started. "Let's start with the edges."

I follow her lead as we eat dinner during it but become confused when I see a sentence. "Arriving February 18th. What's arriving then? Did you get a gift or something for me Mace?"

"Finish the puzzle and see." She sings and I shake my head with a grin.

"Well...that says Jackson." I mutter thoughtfully after piecing a bit more of the puzzle. I debate on what this could be before my head snaps to her with wide eyes.

"What?" She laughs as she leaves the last few pieces.

"Are you pregnant?!" I blurt as my heart races in anticipation and excitement. "Does that say baby Jackson?"

"Yeah." She whispers as she finishes the whole thing to reveal 'Baby Jackson. Arriving February 18th.' "Surprise! You're going to be a dad Judah."

Immediately tears brim my eyes and we laugh because she becomes emotional too. "I'm going to be a dad? You're really pregnant?"

"Yes my love..." She sniffles as she takes out two pregnancy sticks from her pocket. "We're going to be parents."

"I love you." My voice shakes as I cup her face, unable to stop staring at her with adoration.

"I love you too Judah." She coos before kissing me sweetly and wrapping me up in a hug.

"No but I love you so much more." I hold her tightly as my hand automatically splays across her belly that shows no signs yet. "You're okay yeah?"

She chuckles at my small voice filled with concern before pulling away with a nod. "I'm fine. I've had a few symptoms but that's all."

"I need to start working from home." I mutter to myself as I rub my hands across her stomach. "We need to get the nursery ready too and...I...I'm going to be a dad. We're going to be parents to a little Macy or Judah!"

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