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Twenty Six - Life Restored

Four months later.

I smile and wave at the receptionist as I walk past her towards the elevators. I get in and make my way to Cameron's floor before stepping inside his room. It's become a part of my routine to stop by every day and talk to him even if he can't hear me. Judah usually joins me after he's done with work or he makes sure to visit with me on the weekends if he can't make it during the week.

"Hey Cam." I greet as I make my way to the windowsill to replace the drooping flowers with new ones. "Let's get these changed. I got you peonies today...they're so pretty. Only this week left and that marks month five of you being asleep. You need to get a move on buddy! We have so much to do!"

"Sorry for taking so long."

I whirl around at the raspy voice to see Cameron's green eyes glint happily as they meet my wide ones. The vase slips from my hand in shock and I scramble to grab it before setting it down on the windowsill. I rush to my brother with tears brimming my eyes and hug him carefully before throwing caution to the wind and tightening my hold.

"You're awake!" I half laugh, half sob as I pull away only to hug him again in disbelief. "You're finally awake! I can't believe it!"

"Thank god for that too! It was so annoying listening to you ramble on and not being able to shut you up!" He croaks and I swat his shoulder gently before getting him a glass of water.

I help him sit up slightly before bringing the glass to his lips. "I wasn't sure if you could hear me."

"I heard you." He smiles after clearing his throat. "Has it really been almost five months?"

"Yes...you were badly injured Cam. Your pulse was faint when I got to you after the bomb went off." I explain before gasping. "I need to get the doctor!"

Face palming myself I rush to the door with his chuckles echoing behind me and grab a nurse to tell her that Cameron is awake. She goes to get the doctor before returning and starting some checks on Cam along with asking him some questions. His doctor joins midway as I take a seat on the chair and text everyone the good news. Judah responds by saying he'll bring Elenora and Alejandra over. They arrived earlier this week so I'm sure they'll be delighted from the news.

"Okay so your body has healed nicely from the injuries but I'd like to keep you under observation for a few more days and run some tests. If everything's good we'll let you out by the end of next week." The doctor states and Cameron nods before asking for food.

We all chuckle at that and the nurse says she'll go get him something to eat before her and the doctor leave. I take a seat by him on his bed again and we smile at each other goofily. I can't resist hugging him again, happy that he's awake and okay.

"I love you Cam. You didn't deserve this but I'm so glad you're healthy and here with me." I smile brightly as I squeeze his hand. "I don't say it enough but thank you for everything you do for me. But if you ever risk your life like that again I will kick your ass."

He scoffs with a playful roll of his eyes. "Please! You're barely able to beat me in our training sessions!"

"That means I've taught you well. You can hold your own against the master." I nod seriously and he gapes at me before we burst out laughing.

"Wait a minute...are we in the UK?! The doctor and nurse sounded British!" He suddenly exclaims with wide eyes.

"Yeah me and Judah moved you to a hospital here and close to Jude's place. I didn't feel comfortable still living in Venezuela after everything that happened and Judah's work is here." I explain and he nods understandingly.

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