Chapter 5

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Emma gasp deeply as she vomits a mouthful of water. Her entire being was shivering in the cold dead of night as everything she had was soak wet with water. Fortunately, she manages to shake off the guards as they were nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately however, she lost almost everything she had as she abandoned her bag to escape, leaving her with only a pitiful amount of change that she stored within her pocket. Emma rummage around her pocket and found only a knife, a silver coin and three copper coins.

"...So much for preparing..." Emma bitterly whispered as she found the situation she was in to be too pitiful. She was beginning to feel regret for not taking those gold coins with her, but she soon shake off the thought as she remembered it brought more trouble than it's worth.

Let's cover some distance for now. Emma thought as she begins following the river wherever it may lead her. The young lady could feel her body protesting with each step she took. She was cold and tired from the ordeal, but Emma simply did not have the time nor the luxury to even groan. Begrudgingly, she stuffed the complaint at the back of her mind as she continues to move.

She soon found the town near the estate as lights flickers in the distance. Finally, I can-! Emma dive straight into a nearby bush as figures in blue moves around the town. Her eyes dilated in frustration as the familiar cobalt armor roamed the streets.

They're already here? Emma despaired as she watch the knights going from road to road, street by street as they seem to be finding someone. With a heavy heart, Emma reluctantly push onwards down the river as she left the clamoring town behind.

It had taken a good portion of her will to completely ignore the town as she continues moving forward. She move so slow as her injured foot still aches from the hole that has been driven into. Luckily, the wound looked relatively fresh as the infection was still growing.

What made the entire ordeal worse however was the occasional howl of the wolves. Throughout the entire journey, Emma was forced to keep her mind vigilant, ready to jump into the river to escape from their attacks. Thankfully however, it did not came to that.

Emma stopped when she noticed something was growing brighter. For a moment, Emma feared for the worst, but soon felt silly as it was only the sun rising at the horizon. She let out a stifle bitter laugh as she slowly sinks down beside the nearby river.

Her sore and tired body welcomed the respite as she closes her bloodshot eyes. Open. Close. Open. Close. Adrenaline still coursing through her veins as Emma breathed out. She could see smoke escaping from her mouth as the cold autumn morning illuminated the wind. She stared at the grey skies for a moment before closing it again.

Fatigued washed over her but could not fall asleep. It's not that she did not want to, she simply can't. Despite her eyes being closed, her mind was still running without pause. Thoughts became a chaotic whirlwind as exhaustion clouded her head for even a single moment's of respite. After an hour had passed, Emma could feel her body groan, but she resumed moving nonetheless.

Emma slowly continues walking towards the river for the entire early morning as she had seen nothing but trees and the river. A loud growl suddenly resounded throughout the entire forest. Thankfully, it did not sound like a beast. Unfortunately, it was something far worse. A frown slowly crept its way to reality as Emma grimaced from her stomach's growling.

She begins to look for anything in the forest to eat but saw nothing but the autumn leaves of the trees. There were no berries to eat from as the animals already eaten them as well as fishes in the river as they migrated towards warmer areas.

With nothing else left, Emma begins to walk towards the river and begins drinking the fresh running water. It was cold but Emma gulped as much as she could until her stomach drowns the hunger. To some extent, it was successful as she began moving with aching reluctance.

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