Chapter 33

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An: Hey guys, so sorry for the very late update. I'm currently having finals next week so I am dying on academics and I was stumped on how to progress this story naturally. I really wanted to make this story sad but at the same time sweet and I am currently having problems with how to balance them accordingly as it was all sad recently so I wanna try something sweet.

Quality over quantity, but if I'm being honest, I really am struggling during this mid-part. I know what I want, but I do not know how to get there smoothly. Oh well, let's just keep writing until I get there. Hope you lads and lasses over there are still with me all the way.


"All right everyone! Lunch break is here!" Children and nuns alike collectively let out a sigh of relief, eager for a break. The young ones rushed in for the first pick while the sisters and the older children took their time.

"Iva, you're not coming?" One of the sisters noticed as Iva shook her head.

"Need to finish this first. You go ahead first, sister." Iva replies as she continues to sweep the fallen leaves away.

"All right, but don't stay out for too long, ok?" Iva simply nodded back in reply as her hands moved. It was late fall when the leaves were really beginning to shed. The air was growing colder by the day as well as Iva gathered the leaves into a pile. It was not much, but it did help Iva to think. Away from the pain and the loss... away from her.

So long as she keeps her hands moving, she would find a way to escape from it... somehow... hopefully. The little girl was at a loss. Hunger was just a memory from the past. A dream she once prays for every night.

She can eat whenever she wants to. Sleep without being cold or sleeping with one eye open. She can even play all around the house if she wants to, a life of luxury that would make her younger self green with envy, and yet... and yet she never felt so empty.

Life was not kind to her, but it was never this cruel. She had never been so... alone. Before the crippling loneliness returned, Iva walked to the outskirts of the backyard to begin anew. Sweeping and piling the leaves until it was all cleared. That was the plan when a rustle suddenly caught her attention.

That Ifin again? Iva thought in annoyance as she slowly walked in that direction. Though they were harmless during spring and summer, the little guys were a nuisance during fall. Scavenging for winter, even homes were not safe as they hunted relentlessly for food.

They were like squirrels, but as small as a mouse with small whiskers. Their skin changed from oaken brown to silver white, depending on the season, to better adapt to their surroundings. Nimble on their feet, they bolted in the first signs of trouble, courtesy of being scavengers.

A little stomp there, a loud shout here, was all that it would take to scare the fellas away. Yet when Iva does these things, they made no signs of leaving. Frustrated at their newfound courage, the little girl stalked towards their way.

Broom in hand, Iva was preparing to scare them away when she heard a soft whimper. Confused, Iva went closer to investigate as she climbed past the small stone fence. As she brushed past the dying shrubs, Iva paused in her tracks when she recognized the voice.

For a moment, Iva hesitated to move forward. She could pretend to not notice after all. No one was around. No one would scold her for being cold to her father's murderer. Though that voice... it was clearly in pain. Memories slowly trickled in when she first saw her miserable face.

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