Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you? I can do it you know?" Lucy eyed Emma cautiously as she struggles to move, crutch in hand. "I'm fine." Lucy said as she drag her tired and worn-out body closer.

"We can take a break if you-" "I said I'm fine." Lucy cuts off as Emma nodded reluctantly. A long silence permeated into the air as the two continues to walk towards the orphanage. They would have already arrived at the place if Lucy simply allowed to be carried over.

The autumn leaves gently sway from the sleeping trees as the cold autumn wind blew across the valley once more. A chill went across Emma as she slowly turns behind her. "Are you not cold Lucy?" Emma whispered as Lucy shook her head. "I can move."

Emma eyed the young lady as she stubbornly refuses to accept aid from her. Another long silence permeated the air as two continues to move. Isn't this too hard? Emma thought as she turned her gaze slightly to avoid suspicion.

"Can I ask you something Lucy?" Emma ask softly as Lucy replied in an instant. "What?" Lucy said. "How did you manage to reach that building? I don't know where you came from, but that building is considerably far, so how do you managed to get there?" Emma asked. "I walk." ...Yeah this is too hard... Emma thought as Lucy offered no more than that reply.

Her defenses are too strong for me too approach, let alone talk. Emma thought as she continues to guides Lucy throughout the forest. ...Well I guess nothing will be easy with her... Gods, please aid me in this endeavor... Emma silently pray as they continued walking.

The two continued their silent journey without interruption for an hour. Emma slowed down for Lucy to catch up as the young lady struggled to keep up. They made a good progress for while before a loud snap suddenly rang out. A moment later, a loud thud accompanied with a groan forces Emma back to see Lucy on the ground with her crutch snapped in twain.

"Are you ok?" Emma hurriedly ran over as Lucy struggles to stand. "No I'm not, that damn stick just had to break now." Lucy said with a grimaced on her face as she glared at the broken crutch with hateful eyes.

"Hmm, no good. It is already beyond use." Emma said as she saw the state of the crutch. "Yeah, I think so too." Lucy replied in acknowledgement as the two search for replacement of the broken crutch. They found nothing.

An awkward silence fills the air as they avoided one another's gaze. They all had the same thought in mind. "Well... I think it's about time isn't it?" Thoughts of protest spark within Lucy's mind for a while. This time however, she could offer no resistance as Emma turned with a small smile on her face.

"I can carry you." Emma said to a very dissatisfied Lucy. "Look, we would reach the orphanage at midnight at this rate. The cold autumn night would not be good for your wounds, so it is in your best interest if we reach there as soon as possible."

Emma said as she waited for Lucy to reply. She did not yield this time as she stared Lucy back in the eyes despite the unnerving, twisted scars on her face. After a long while and with a heavy sigh, Lucy nodded reluctantly as Emma's eyes beamed up.

"Hop on." Emma said as she lowers her back for Lucy to reach in. Lucy let out a low grumble before climbing on top of Emma's back. !...Urum's light... Emma thought when her hands touched the bottom of Lucy's.

Even here? Just how many scars does she have? Emma grimly thought when her hands supporting her bottom felt the uneven and rough scars running through her skin. "Hey, watch where you are holding." Emma snapped out of her trance when Lucy suddenly spoke.

Emma could only let out a small nod before continuing back on their journey. ...She's so light... Emma thought as she carried the young lady on her back. Her frail and small stature could be mistaken as a child from anyone who seen her from afar. Emma wonder what could have gone so wrong for her to find her in that abandoned building.

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