Chapter 28

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An: Happy new year everyone! This was supposed to be uploaded on new year's eve, but my brain did not want to cooperate. So this is my late happy new year for everyone and my first chapter for this year! I also want to give a huge thanks to all who are still reading up to this point! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Let me down. I can walk there on my own." Iva grumbled as Osmond profusely shook his head.

"No can-do missy. It's freezing right now, and those bare feet would get worse if I let you.." Osmond firmly denied as the cold wind blew around them.

"It's just a little windy though?" Iva tilted her head slightly as Osmond shook his head.

"Windy or not, you are going to stay with me until we make our way back." Osmond says as he turns into a corner. It was a cold yet peaceful night.

Most of the town's folk were fast asleep. The wooden houses spared little to no light as only abodes molded in stone have the privilege of its embrace. The relocated orphanage was one of those rare sanctuaries where the light burns amidst the cold darkness.

"Besides, how did you even manage to run this far away? Last I checked, the new orphanage is a considerable distance from here." Iva shrugged as she replied simply.

"I don't know. I just ran I guess?" Iva admitted as Osmond chuckled.

"Well, whatever the case is, you are getting an earful and I cannot help you with that." Osmond teased as Iva frowned.

"The sisters are not those types of people though... well except for one I guess." Iva grumbled as they turned towards another corner.

"Well, I suppose you will have to deal with her instead eh?" Osmond giggled.

"No, she wouldn't. She might be strict, but she does not have the guts to follow through with it." Iva mumbled under her breath. For all of the wrongs she had done to her, Lucy had never punished a child. It perplexed Iva to no end as the young lady would never flinch in the jaws of death yet struggle against mere children.

"Lass I don't mean to scare you, but you just ran away in the middle of the night. Without even wearing your sandals mind you. I'm afraid she would be pretty serious when you get back home." Osmond said.

"...Really?" Iva whispered a hint of fear in her voice.

"Oh yes. I did it once you know? My entire bottom was as red as an apple by morning when mother was done." Osmond relished the fond childhood days he had while Iva was beginning to panic.

"S-she wouldn't do that! I-I still have to get back to her!" Iva said, fury and fear intermixing with her voice.

"Oh? And who is this sister might be?" Osmond asked with no particular thought in mind, simply trying to keep the conversation running.

"...Lucy. Her name... her name is Lucy." Iva barely let out a whisper. The phantom pain and anger crept back once more as her eyes darkened ever so slightly. The knight could not help but frown at what he saw as he racked his brain for ideas to distract her. Luckily, an idea did arrive.

"Lucy huh? That is a pretty name. Do you think you can introduce her to me?" Osmond teased as Iva instantly frowned.

"No, why would I?" Iva said as a mischievous smirk found its way into Osmond's lips.

"I'll cut you a deal. If you introduce me to her, I will help you when she scolds you." Osmond smirked as Iva went into deep contemplation.

"T-that's... hmm..." Osmond could not help but grin at Iva's contemplative face. The way Iva seriously considered his offer just to avoid being scolded was way too childish. It almost made him forget the troubles the orphan has. Almost.

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