Chapter 32

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An: Surprise! I finish a new one in just a day and half! God it feels great to have a planned chapter and free time to boot! It feels amazing! Haaaaaaa, but I do have to apologize. There would be little to no fighting in this chapter. I know I know, I promised it would be a good fight but I've decided to make a dark chapter instead. It just clicks. Like... it really is dark. (A fitting day to upload btw since its black Saturday, a time for mourning)

I am not kidding around, this is by far my saddest breakdowns I have written yet. I even feel bad for writing this one, like I wanna give Lucy and Emma a hug. I really REALLY don't recommend reading this one if you are having a bad day... but I know this won't stop you so, you have been warned!


Vit felt her heart sink to the ground as Avk's eyes reached out desperately for them. Both hands clutched around his throat in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding as his eyes began to tear up. 'Help... me...' He mouthed out, trying to speak out only for the blood-gurgling scream to steal his final voice.

There was no hesitation, no mercy. In a blink of an eye, one of her oldest friends died in an instant. Vit cannot believe that the monster in front of them is the same harmless target that they were promised. It was supposed to be a simple job. Identify the target, bag her up, and return home with money in hand.

Clean and easy, no one has to die. No one was supposed to be even harmed as they were told. She was supposed to be a runaway noble. Sheltered and privileged. Brash and spoiled beyond belief, ignorant to the cruelty of the world... how wrong had they been.

The same harmless noble they were supposed to bag was running in full force without hesitation in sight. Dagger in hand, she reversed her grip fluidly as if she was used to dealing with the blade in all her life.

"No! Damn you, bastard!" A voice suddenly boomed as Vit's eyes widened back to focus.

"Hark you idiot! Get back here now!" Another voice boomed just beside Vit as she shifted into a stance. "Kalva be damn! Move up! Support that damn oaf!" Vit grimaced as they clashed.

Hark arrived first as he swung his dagger overhead, eyes boiling with fury as he threw his entire weight for the blow. "Nera!" The breaker's bicep screams in power as the strike lands. Dust bellows all across the narrow path from the enhanced strike.

A small part of Vit regretted the loss of their income, though for the majority part of her, she could not help but grimaced in satisfaction. They lost a man, after all; it was only right to avenge his- "Gah!" Vit's momentary drunk of victory evaporated quickly as the dust settles.

All eyes focused on Hark to their horror as the cloaked noble pierces straight into his chest, directly where his heart would be. The giant man dropped his dagger in defeat as Vit screamed in dismay at the encroaching killing blow.

Mercifully, whether it be fate or luck, Hark manages to scramble away just in time as he tightly holds the wound. "S-sarding noble, she got me good." Hark gasped in between breaths as Vit hurriedly put both hands on the wound and begins to heal.

"Erak." Vit groaned as strength began to sap from her fingertips and into Hark's wound. "What happened? I thought you died for a second there!" Vit silently screamed as they flanked both on Hark's sides. The big man's vision twisted into a grimaced as he whispered lowly.

"G-got l-lucky. T-the blade broke my r-rib and itself instead." Vit nodded as her eyes hardened.

"N-no... d-don't." Hark suddenly grabbed Vit's shoulders tightly as she saw for the first-time uncertainty in his eyes. The man who always dived headfirst, without regard for safety, was hesitating. "T-that sarding noble... s-she is a champion." Vit felt her blood run cold as she turned her gaze directly to where Hark pointed.

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