Chapter 38

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An: FINALLY! AN UPDATE AAAHHHHHH.... Man I had so many things to rant about but for now, enjoy a 4.5k chapter!


Mercy is dead. What frail embers of pity remained in her heart died at that moment as power coursed through her veins. What once was a dull world roared back to life as Lucy took it all in.

The cold wind prickled her skin, heralding the stench of iron. The dying sunlight flickers the last of its rays across the world, nightfall is coming soon. Yet it all paled in comparison to the burning indignation in her heart.

"Vekrum." A cold mist escaped her mouth as her vision and speed improved considerably. Though it was not as detailed as Orum, nor was it as fast as Vekra, it was enough to jumpstart her senses to battle.

Seven souls. Seven unfortunate souls who had the misfortune to earn her ire. The blade was gone, but something far more dangerous had replaced it. Power. Pure, undiluted, and burning power was now coursing through her veins.

Lucy glared at her assailant as they met hers. Though all eyes were burning in yellow, only two glowed as bright as gold. It was Lucy and the champion before, Aiel.

The young maiden had her eyes locked on Aiel as she reserved only a token of her attention for the others. Gifted by Torvas they may be, they are no champions.

The stare down felt like seconds stretching into hours, when one of the sellswords made a grave mistake. Her gaze shifted for a moment, but Lucy did not miss it. They all followed where that gaze was, and it made abundantly clear why.

It was the blade that escaped Lucy's grasp. Only 8 ft away from both sides. As if a quiet signal had been given, the two sides bolted towards the blade.

"Vekra." The two champions whispered as their body and mind accelerated in a heartbeat.

Aiel swung at the sword, aiming to deprive his opponent of a weapon. The blade flew another good 10 ft away from her grasp, though Aiel did not have the chance to celebrate the look of annoyance in Lucy's eyes as she threw a sharp jab.

Aiel avoided the blow just in time, but at his retreat, it had given Lucy an opening. An opening she did not pause for even a heartbeat as she ran towards the nearest sellsword. The men and women could only blink in mute surprise at the young champion's new target.

"Run you fools!" Aiel screamed, but it was too late. They did not have the time to fall back as Lucy quickly raced towards Fid, a blade weaver. Though the man manages to react adequately, it is far too simple, far too predictable for a veteran who was molded in the fires of war.

The former captain of the verdant typhoon who led entire battles barely blinked at the coming blade. Her steps remained constant, her breathing steady. The blade nearly bites its target, but Lucy sidesteps at the last moment.

Memories and instincts guided her hands as she slapped the guard of the blade with uncanny precision and power. The swing overextended to Fid's dismay, forcing him to let go of the blade when Lucy threw a sharp jab, the same jab that broke Veklan's throat.

Although the quick decision saves Fid's life, Lucy has a new blade in hand. "Kalva be damn you all, get out of here!" Aiel screamed yet again, but it was too late. The blade was already swung, aiming to pierce Fid's abdomen.

The man tried to continue his retreat, but the bad terrain had forced him unknowingly behind a tree. There was no time to evade, death was now- the young champion suddenly flinched, creating a small gap that Fid did not hesitate to take.

The man manages to save his life yet again, but he does not escape unscathed as he had to part with his stomach skin for his life. The cut was deep, blood pouring out by the second but thankfully, not lethal. Though it burned as if a snow wolf had taken a bite.

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