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TW violence swearing

The silence was awful, how could he just keep starring at me like that?

You had just finished weirdly drinking your pop when Brian came down stairs. You had wondered where he went although you didn't really want to see him. He looked at you then at Tim.

"Tim," He waited for some sort of response from the man, which was him looking over to the other man. "Stop it you're scaring her." Brian said plainly, God what was his deal. He was right but still.

Tim rolled his eyes and got up from his arm chair. He was walking into up the stairs and you heard a door open and close.

Brian looked at you while you were looking at the zip ties. He hummed and walked into the kitchen you heard shuffling but didn't say anything. Then he walked back with a plate of food in his hands it was (f/f).

"You hungry?" Brian asks and stands in front of you. Yeah you were, so you nodded your head. "Well  then you gotta do something for me, it's easy I promise." He said. What the fuck did he mean by that?

You gave him a questioning look. Brian chuckled at you. And you looked away from him he pulled something out of his pocket, it was a polaroid camera. Did he want a picture of you? Creep.

"Just one picture, yeah?" He said while staring at you. As much as you hatted the idea of him having the picture of you he probably had thousands of them scattered every which way.

"Oh, I think I just lost my appetite." You mumbled and and bring your elbows to your knees and rest your face in your hands.

Brian stared coldly at you and huffed as he put the camera back into his pocket. "That's fine.." He said, voice laced with annoyance and he walked off to the kitchen and dumped the plate in the garbage. What an asshole.

Brian walked over and grabbed your upper arm pulling you up.

"Ow, that hurts." You winced out as his grip tightened. He looked at you and gave you a shit eating grin.

"Come on." Brian spoke with no tone and pulled you up the stairs. We stopped in front of a door with a lock on the outside you assumed this was the room you would be staying in. You thought you would've been locked in a basement or something.

He pushed the door open and shoved you in the room not caring to be gentle with you at all. He walked into the room himself and closed the door behind him.

You stumbled a bit but stopped yourself from falling. Sighing deeply you looked around the room.

It was pretty plain. The floor was carpeted the same greyish brownish color as down stairs the walls were beige. And there was a single bed in the corner and a wooden nightstand. It was boring to say the least you don't know what you expected though. Not this.

"You like it?" Brian asked and crossed his arms.

You didn't say anything and instead started fiddling with the zip tie again.

"I'll be right back." He said and left the room not bothering to close the door behind him. He knew you wouldn't try anything, you weren't the brightest but you were smart enough to know better.

Brian entered the room with your suitcase and a pair of scissors he closed the door as he came in the room and dropped the suitcase off by the bed.

"If you let me get that picture i'll cut the zip ties." Brian said and crossed his arms.

"Fine." You responded to quickly for your own comfort but hey the sooner these things were off the better.

He smirked at you and put the scissors down on the nightstand. Then he pulled out his camera.

"Smile." He said though it sounded more like a demand.

"I'm not doing that." You said you would've crossed your arms but you couldn't because your wrists were still zip tied.

He moved his camera away from his face and began to walk away from you.

"Then I guess those zip ties can stay on." He looked back at you. This bitch.

"Wait!" You said a little louder then you would've liked but it got his attention.

He tilted his head to the side a bit and gave a questioning hum, this asshole really was really going to make you say it.

"I'll smile for the damn picture.." You said quietly and looked towards the floor.

"Oh goodie!" Brian exclaimed and brought his camera back up to his face.

You forced a small smile, which luckily was good enough for him because the camera flash was blinding. You blinked and the film came out of the cameras top.

He started shaking the film and put the camera back into his pocket. Brian made his way over to the nightstand and picked the scissors up. It took him a minute before he actually cut the zip ties he was focused on making sure the picture turned out.

When Brian did cut the zip ties you immediately started rubbing your numb wrists, oh God they were so swore.

He chuckled at your actions and put the polaroid in his pocket before he crouched down and began opening your suitcase.

"What are you doing?!" You blurted out and he stopped to look at you.

"Im unpacking your stuff." He stated the obvious.

"I-I could that myself." You said quietly. He hummed and moved away from the suitcase and sat on the bed.

You looked at him for a moment before kneeling in front of your suitcase and taking things out and placing them on the floor.

You pushed the suitcase away from your other things and looked at the nightstand stand it had three drawers one bigger then the other you would put some of your clothes in there.
After putting all the belongings you had in the suitcase away you looked at the ground. You were confused, what were you supposed to do now?

You heard your door open and saw the other man, Tim. He looked at you then at Brian and walked into the room. You didn't want him to be here you didn't want either of them to be here they creeped you out which makes sense as they had stalked you for awhile and kidnapped you.

None of you said anything they just stared at you. How could you get out of this awkward situation, maybe if you were tired they would leave you alone. You faked a yawn and looked back down at the floor.

You heard Brian sigh and then got up off the bed and stood your suitcase up beside the nightstand. He then looked at you and opened his mouth to say something but closed it before he could.

Brian then walked out of the room, leaving you and Tim alone. Your heard him shift his body you were scared Brian hadn't done much to hurt you yet, but this guy beat the shit out of you. No he didn't he kicked you. Same thing.

"Hey did you eat your supper?" He asked it was so awkward he sounded like your dad you hadn't seen in two weeks begging for anything to talk about.

You shook your head, and heard him hum. Please leave the room.
"You should get some sleep you've had a long day." Tim said quietly before leaving the room. Yes you did have a long day. And you were quite tired. You heard him lock the door.

You stood up and looked towards the window that's when you saw it was nailed shut. They think i'm gonna climb out a window? I would, but not the point.

You looked around the room once more before sitting on the bed and laying down covering yourself with the blanket it was pretty thick but that was ok.

You wish you had shoes.

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