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The drive took about and hour and 10 minutes it was long and quiet well not really cause the radio was playing. Still none of you spoke to each other. At one point you were pretty sure Tim was going to say something but stopped just before he did. And instead of talking he decided to light a cigarette.

The car was parked right by the door. Brian turned to face he gave me a stern look before he began talking.


"Yes I know I won't try anything I promise." You cut him off before he would lecture you. He sighed and nodded and then got out of the car. Tim fallowed you were also going to until you remembered you couldn't walk. It's been awhile you should be used to this now...

Tim popped the trunk open and pulled a wheelchair out. He opened your door and unfolded the wheelchair. Then he gently picked you up and set you down in the chair moving your legs on the rests.

Surprisingly the diner had a ramp they probably planned to take you somewhere else but that place didn't have a ramp or something. This diner looked so nice it was one of those 50's styled diners with the checkers floors and red stools and booth though there were a couple tables.

It was quite in here there weren't many people here there was like two others and then the staff. Tim wheeled you over to one of the tables by a window. The view outside the window wasn't much but for someone who hadn't seen the outside in possible months it was a lot.

Tim and Brian sat down, Tim beside you and Brian across from you. You didn't really understand why they had kidnapped you but you assumed it had something to do with love or an obsession. Either way it was fucked up..

The waiter walked over to our table. He was young like maybe just finished high school he was also fairly tall and had short brown hair he looked very nice. He set the menus down on the table.

"Hi what can we get you for drinks?" He asked in a somewhat cheery tone.

"Can I get just a black coffee." Tim said he didn't even look at the man he was just reading the menu.

"Water.." Brian said quietly. And the man looked at you.

"I-" You we're cut off by Brian.

"She'll have (f/d)." He said and you gave hm a look he just smirked at you and you nodded at the man. You could've ordered your self.

"Alright and i'm assuming you'll all still need time to decide what your having." You all nodded. "Okay I'll have your drinks right over."

Once the man left you looked at Brian. "You know I could've ordered myself." He shook his head.

"I know I just don't want you talking to him.." He said lowly.
Tim scoffed and began speaking.

"(y/n) Brian hurry up and pick what you want before he gets back here with our drinks." Tim said.

"Yeah whatever." Brian responded and picked up his menu. You gave a small chuckle at them. You laughed at them (y/n) that's not good stop it. You shook your head and scanned the menu you form something that looks familiar.

Just as you found what you wanted the man had come back with the drinks. Prefect timing. He set the drinks down in front of each of you.

"Andd do you all still need time or do you know what you want?" He asked with a smile. Bad before the others you spoke up.

"Actually i'm ready so can I have the (f/f) please." You said with small feeling of victory.

"Of course and what can I get you two?" The man held his smile.

"Can I get a cheese burger with a side of fries." Tim said. And the man nodded and wrote it down on his note pad.

"Could Get the honey garlic wings." Brian said quietly.

"Alright And i'll be out with those soon." The man said and left again.

You looked around the diner again it was nice in here there were a couple posters from old things you didn't get but still they looked good. You took a sip of your drink and looked at Tim.

"Honestly a cheese burger was such a basic thing to choose." You jokingly stated. He looked at you shook his head.

"You thought my choice of food was basic?" He said in a fake offended tone.

"No no she's right there was so many other good thing on the menu." Brian joined in.

"Say the one who go chicken wing.." Tim mutters then snickers.

"Chicken wings are still more interesting then a cheeseburger." You tease.

"Oh whatever," Tim looks at you. "At least it's not (f/f) who even chooses that?"

You scoff. "uh me." You say i'm fake hurt. "You all are so rude." What where you doing? Laughing as make jokes with the ones who had made you lose everything? Why (y/n)?

"As if." Brian says and takes a drink form his water. Brian and Tim chatted for awhile and you occasionally said something. It took like 20 minutes for the man to come out with your food.

"Here's your food I hope you enjoy." The man placed the food down on the table. "If you need anything call me over." He smiles and walked away.

You began eating your food it was still hot but you were hungry so fuck everyone. It wasn't all that good but being out of that house made it so much better. This was so needed even if they were still here. It was better with people it was guaranteed they wouldn't hurt you here. But they had been awfully gentle with you sense they broke your legs.

You needed them to trust you more so giggled and interacted with them. If you acted like you trusted them they might just trust you...

"I'm just saying,-" Tim stopped talking as he watched you steal one of his fires. You thought you would act friendly and funny with them it was an easy way to gain trust. You seemed non threatening like this.. "Hey that was my fry." Tim says in a fake offended tone.

"Not anymore!" You say and give him a big smirk. He shakes his head at you and moved your drink to the other end of the table. "Heyyy, this is ableism.." You say jokingly. Tim scoffs at you.

"Suree, wanna know what would actually be ableist?" You give him a questioning hum. "Pushing you out of your wheelchair." He says and snickers. Brian let's out a laugh.

"Come on now Tim don't say that." Brian says calming down a bit form him laughter.

"You wouldn't! That so rude." You says and he gives you a side look.

"I mean I dunno steal another one my my fries and I might.."  He says jokingly.

"Wooow okay I see how loved I am here.." Tim and Brian both look at you and smirk this one was full of malice. Not a threat or a warning but still scary..

After awhile Tim and Brian had said it was time to go. Witch was upsetting but you didn't put up a fight. Paying to bill and leaving and then wheeling you out. This time Brian put you in the car and Tim would be driving.

"I'm surprised (y/n) you were very good today" You heard Brian say.

"Yeah I was amazed at how good you were." Tim chimed in. "Oh yeah and since it's still your birthday is there something out would like?" Tim asked.

"Hmm," You didn't want to ask for to much but you needed some things. "I guess just more essential stuff i'm running low on shampoo and conditioner, oh also body wash." You say. Tim rolls his eyes.

"We'll get you that stuff but is there something you want other then that?"

"Maybe a sweater or new book, or a new sketch book. Yeah I filled out mine awhile ago.." You said quietly. And Tim nodded and we drove off.

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