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You had been in that dark place for days, occasionally you got a water bottle or an apple but that was it. You were hungry, confused, tired, and probably going even more insane.

Hallucinations if your mother became more frequent, she didn't even say anything to you anymore she would just stare at you until you heard Alex screaming about something.

The man was very dramatic and loud when he was angry.

As of right now he was stomping about something, you didn't exactly know what but you could guess. Tim and Brian weren't busting their asses off to find you. They were probably back by now. It made you feel horrible, did they not care? Then why go through all the trouble? Why waste so much effort if you were just going to get bored?

Whatever. You sighed to yourself as the man upstairs silenced. He seemed to calm down a bit, but your sure if you were in the same room as him right now you could hear him cruse everything in his sight. How annoying.

You closed your eyes and leaned against the cold wall. What were you even doing down here? This is absolutely fucking bullshit. And what did the Operator care? Probably not thats why he's not doing anything. You've always known you were an expendable pawn. You just didn't want to admit it. You weren't all that important to it, it just wanted more power.

You would scream but you killed your voice awhile ago, screaming every insult you could think of at the man. Now you throat hurt and you couldn't even do anything about it, such bullshit.


"Well? Where the hell is she?" Brian impatiently asked over the phone.

"Get off my back asshole, like I said I dropped her off and then fucked off she's not with me!" Toby was getting pretty sick of Brian's questioning. He had already explained everything to him about three times.

"Fine whatever but if I find-" Toby hung up on him. He threw his phone onto the couch and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Fuck this was stressing him out. Alex was gone and so were you, he put two and two together almost immediately. The only reason he had even called Toby was because you were with him earlier that day and he was really hoping you were still out with him.

He did not want to deal with Tim's wrath today. Tim needed to drop something off after the mission so he would be out for a couple more hours before getting home.

Brian sat down on the couch and placed his head in his hands. He was mad, at everyone. Things were never going his way and this just tops it all off. He would be even more pissed if had to call in favors to find you.


Needless to stay he did not find you before Tim got home. At first he thought it was a joke, then he thought you had run away again and he was super pissed, then after Brian told him what he thought happened. He calmed down slightly but was still really pissed.

Tims only thoughts about the whole thing was, 'how could someone be so petty?' What a fucking dick. He was huffing about the whole house trying to just forget it. But he needed you, he wanted you back in his arms. He knew leaving you alone with that fucker was a bad idea.

"Fuck me... I swear to god when I get my fucking hands on him I'm going to kill him." He honestly wanted to scream right now, who the fuck does he think he is? That stupid piece of shit.

He started pacing around the room his hands and fists and occasionally running through his hair. At one point he started ripping out his hair from stress.

He eventually just went outside and had a smoke, or two, maybe even five. He was chain smoking because he was fucking stressed and angry.


What was even your life anymore? You hated every bit of it up until now, why were you here? Because you meant something to someone for once? You were cursed... Truly your only skill was being able to cry on que and that may have gotten you out of a few things but it wasn't a great skill.

Alex was coming down. You could hear him stomping and cursing. He flung open the trap door and stomped down the stairs.

He brought one of those folding chairs, you wondered if he was gonna start beating you with it. He didn't and instead he set it up stared at you.

"Why haven't Tim and Brian come for you yet?" His voice wasn't annoyed it was a mocking tone. But after awhile you cant tell the difference between a fake tone and a genuine tone.

You didn't answer and just looked away. Why haven't they? They literally came back from the dead to get you before and you were under protective services.

"Do they really care for you? Maybe they're bored of you. Your a lot of work you know." He stood up and flinched when he started walking towards you, he slowly undid your cuffs and handed you a water bottle and two granola bars.

"Thank you.." You croaked out. You learned to be docile to the people who provide for you a long time ago. Of course you never really listened to that but in times like these you had to.

"Good good." And silently sat down. He just stared down at you while you ate and drank. You paid no mind to him, and continued.

"I don't think that they really love you, they would've found you if they did."

Hey, thats not true. It can't be they've done so much for you. To you, you mean. Killing they only person who even slightly cared about you, and kidnapping you abusing you then breaking your legs. People who love eachother don't hurt eachother or cause eachother pain. Did they? You've never truly experienced full fledged love, whether it was platonic or romantic.

All Alex's words started melting into your head and started becoming the truth. Because if you repeat something enough it becomes the truth..

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