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What time was it? You think that was a question you asked yourself at least twenty times a day. It wasn't so bad when you were first taken by Tim and Brian because you had a window so you could guess. But there was no natural light source in here. It was completely underground, you couldn't even guess.

This sucked so bad... You really couldn't even try anything it was to tiring to even think, and all you really did was sleep. Talk a little or try to eat, hardly though and drink. Sometimes you peed in a bucket. It was horrible. But was it as bad as Tim and Brian's? They hurt you mentally and physically to the point where you thought you were in love with them. Were you in love with them..? You wanted to think you were, but it was hard to tell anymore.

You hadn't been able to tell what was real and fake anymore. You were always such a vigilante person you knew hints and signs. Usually. You couldn't say much after you were stalked for a whole two years. You hadn't even noticed for the first few months. They were killers though they had to be careful, its the reason they hadn't shown themselves for the first while. But even then you always felt paranoid and uneasy. You started pushing people away because of it and you didn't really want people around anymore.

You wanted out, you wanted all your old friends back, you wanted your mom back even if she wasn't the best. She was your mother and nothing could change that. You had an everlasting bond with her that nothing could ever sever even after she died. Because she was there. She took care of you and helped you learn you had more trust in her than anyone. More trust than you will ever have with Tim and Brian, where were they..? You missed there hugs and kisses. There comfort.

They weren't coming for you, how long have you been here for? They got bored plain and simple they simply thought you were more effort then you were worth. You were a pass time for them. Certainly it would be boring doing the same things over and over. They had little to no control over their own lives so they controlled yours. Even if you thought you loved them... There was just no way you would ever be happy like that.

"Hey are you listening to me?" A voice you grew used to asked. You  looked up at him. You spaced out.

You shook your head and wanted to apologize. He stared at you for a second and then went back to talking.

"So like I was saying..." His voice always melted into your brain you didn't exactly care weither you listened or not he doesn't lay a hand on your unless he needs to. He was lonely and spent quite some time talking to you even if you didn't respond.

What a sad man.

Did you pity him? Maybe. He was sad... You didn't know what happened with Alex and them in the past but it wasn't good.  Maybe you would get out and find out. But you doubt Tim and Brian would tell you anything and you weren't going to ask Alex himself. Though he seemed like the type of person that if you asked he would never shut up about it.

You aren't going to see them again (y/n). And if you did would you really want to go back? They never really cared for you. Did they? I always told you to be careful why don't you just listen to me for once.

I wanted to love them... I should've left. But I tried and tried I don't they would let me leave.

Then why aren't they here? I think they had their fun. They won't be coming to get you this time.

Your probably right... I know I am.


You watched the tall man walk away. He was going back upstairs. You couldn't help but notice a small key fall from his pocket.

And you couldn't help but wait till you couldn't hear his foot steps anymore. Couldn't help but shakily crawl over to the key and grab it with your hand.

You put the key handle in your mouth and brought your cuffed hands up to it, you twisted your hands until the key went it there the lock. You tiled your head one way, it didn't work so you tilted the other way. You heard a click and the cuffs loosened around your wrists. You pull your mouth away from the key and gave your hands a little shake. Making the cuffs loosen even more and eventually they just fell off of your wrists.

You smiled a little, but now what? He was still in the house wasn't he.

"Leave you sad bastard..." You whispered raspily. Voice hurting from the lack of use and lack of water.

And as if the universe had heard you, you heard him stomp to where you assumed the front door was and slammed it loudly as he walked out. The universe was being particularly nice today...

You waited, ten, twenty, maybe thirty minutes. Before shoving the trap door open, that rug was heavy as hell. Or you've been here to long and your getting weak. Once you made sure the door was up and wouldn't fall on you while you were walking up the stairs you started climbing.

"(Y/n)... are you really leaving? Doesn't he just treat you so much better then the other two? Why would you want to leave?" Your fake mother mocked.

"Shut up you old bag." You said and walked up. If anyone saw it they would probably think your a demon emerging from hell. You probably looked like one.

You could only guess for now, greasy hair giant bruises and scratches on both your forehead and wrists, deep eye bags, with hallow looking eyes, and to top it all off dirty ass clothes. You probably smelled rank. You would take a bath once you get home.


Would you go back..? They haven't come for you, why would you. You don't need them or want them. You could return to society... Could you? You killed people before. Would you be excepted back in? Did they know?

You thought of all these questions as you walked into the bedroom with a window. Alex's room, he wasn't here this time.

Would you be more valuable if you rejoined society? Maybe, maybe not.

Could you just rejoin and forget about this all..? Forget about Tim, Brian the Operator? Toby, Kate and that sad bitch Alex?

Death, thats your only way out, clearly it doesn't think your worth  it.

You opened the windows and took the screen off. Before swinging your leg over the window sill, then swinging the other leg over and hoping onto the ground.

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