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Running away from them again except this time you would willingly return to them. They always loved when things went there way it made them so happy.

Cabin in slight you ran a little faster. Apparently you were great at this you still didn't exactly know why it wanted you to join them. You didn't know if you could take a life..

You stepped onto the deck and took a deep much needed breath."Is that all.. for today?" You asked panting.

"Not quite, take a 10 minute break then I'll test your climbing." Tim said. He looked completely unbothered.. Did he let you win? Hopefully not... But you do know if you get praise for doing something right even when you didn't exactly do it it helps performance. If he was letting you win it should make you think your able to win everytime I'll either get to cocky and start slowing down when I run or I'll just get better at running.

The body is easy to trick.
Your arms hurt so much.. They could've at least given you some sort of gloves. Your hand will be covered in blisters by the time you climb down.. Speaking of climbing down, you didn't know if you were gonna be able to..

"Am I high enough yet?" You called to Tim.

"Yep thats good, now try and hide yourself in the leaves!" He called back.

"I kinda just wanna come down now, I don't wanna be up here any longer!"

Tim looked up and you a little disappointed. "Fine yeah come down and we'll go read or something." He said a little quieter. You made your way down the tree trying your best to keep balanced on the branches and keeping a good grip on them. It was definitely harder than climbing up.

You were on the branch closest to the ground and thought it would be funny to mess with Tim.

"Catch me!" You said loudly and jumped off. He looked kinda panicked as you jumped towards him. But he did catch you.

"Jesus y/n! What are you a child?!" He scolded.

"Maybe.." You said giving him a cheeky grin. He just scoffed and set you down then pushed you towards the house.

"Come on, let's go."

The walk back wasn't boring but it wasn't overly fun you and Tim talked about possibly going somewhere if Brian allowed it. You would love to go out but you weren't sure if it would be a good idea..

As you approach the cabin something felt off.. you didn't know what but you didn't like it, Tim also seemed uncomfortable.
Static...? Coming from the house, your head hurt and vision was getting a little blurry.

Tim pushed to inside and everything got worse your headache was now a migraine and everything was blurry and dotted. The pain was unbearable, you dropped to your knees... No you were forced to your knees.

You look around the house to find Brian on his knees in the living room. And in front of him was... That familiar man you had seen and even drawn. He was incredibly tall with no face it made you so... You felt bile rise in your throat.

This is what they had told you about. The Operator, as they called it. Why was it here?

You were know on your hands and knees you felt a strong urge to throw up. The pain was too much for you. You had never felt anything like this.

The static was so loud, but through it you could hear something... It was screaming, not just any screaming though it was your own. You didn't even know you were screaming.

Everything thing was to blurry the static was too loud and the pain was horrible.

You couldn't deal with it anymore. Your eyes became heavy and you let them shut. You didn't want to deal with this...
"Y/n, wake up." You woke up to light shaking and the sound of Brian's voice. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I.. have.." You paused. "I have a... killer headache..." You said, it took a lot out of you to say that. What had happened? You tried to think back but that made it hurt even more.

"I'll get you some water and some pain killers... I'll be back in a few." He said and stood up.

Where was Tim? You pushed yourself up, and looked around. He was most likely in his room..

You stood up and stumbled a bit. Oh gods it was like having an iron defiencey. You walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Brian put his hand on your head and patted it. He set the cup and pills down in front of you and left the kitchen. Maybe to see if Tim needed any..?

You put the pills in your mouth and took a sip of your water. At least you didn't have to dry swallow them. Your head was pounding and you mouth felt dry.

After drinking the rest of the water and taking a look outside you decided it was bed time. You really just wanted a good sleep and nothing whatever you woke up from.

Walking down the hallway you stare at Tim's door. Should you go see him? You knocked on the door and waited for a response. Which came in the form of a grunt. You push the door open and see Tim laying on his bed he looked like he was thinking about something.

"Are you okay?" You asked him quietly.

"Yes I'm fine. What about you, Are you okay? You were in a lot of pain." He said sitting up.

"Well I think I'm fine, Brian gave me some pain killer a little while ago. If I may ask what even happened..?"

"The Operators effects it'll hurt less in time, but it will s be pretty bad."

The Operator... You recall hearing static when its bee around but never like that...

"Oh I see.." you said and sat on his bed. "What did it want then?"

"I can't say..." Tim said quietly while wrapping his arms around your shoulders and making you lay down beside him.

"Tim.. You guys can't keep me in the dark forever, you should tell me about these things. If it wants me on its side-" He put his hand over your mouth.

"We've talked about it to much today, the more we talk about it the more likely it is to come back sooner." He said then took his hand off your mouth.

You were very tempted to lick it...

(I have the most handsome lover ever oh em gee)

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