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    Huh? What was happening you really didn't know there was so many random loud bangs and yells. You sat up and looked around the room scanning for the thing... you had a feeling you would need it. You stood up and grabbed the pipe from its place, then slowly opened the door. You made your way down the hallway as quietly as you could.

More uninvited house guests... Though you weren't really sure this man was a house guest. You think? Yeah... He seems way to aggressive to be house guest.

He seemed pretty tall and like skinny he had short brown hair and glasses. You and him made eye contact he seemed to get angrier. He then charged at you if this were any other day you would've cried but you were not having it today. He got just close enough for you hit him.

And you did you swung your pipe at his head and he fell to the floor. And you hit him one more time for good measure. You stared at him for a good minute before looking up to seeing Tim and Brian staring at you dumbfounded. (Would that be right?)

"So are you guys going to tell me who this is?" You asked in a tired voice. Tim and Brian looked at each other before Brian cleared his throat and began speaking.

"He's uhh... Its hard to explain..?" He said and rubbed his neck.

"Yeah okay... He seems super aggressive."

"He is." Tim said, he looked super wrieded out.

"Okay okay, so like you boys have fun im heading back to sleep.." You rubbed your forehead and headed back to your room. Sitting down on your be you sighed, who was that? You'd find out later...

No you would find out like right now, you were thinking to much to sleep right now. You stood back up and walked out the room.

"Timmm." You called from the hallways. You heard him hum in response, then you made your way over to him.

"What is it darlin', though you were going back to sleep?"

"Well I was going to, but like something about hitting a random guy with a pipe makes me not tried." You said joking a bit. "So your are going to tell me who he is right..?"

Tim gently grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. "You don't need to worry about him doll." He said and kissed your forehead. You pouted a little.

"Fine then I'll ask Brian..." you mumbled. And crossed your arms before walking away, you heard Tim chuckle.

You knocked on Brian's door. Wait where did the guy go? Huh? No casue like we didn't see him when we went out into the living room... Oh- Brains probably dealing with it.. And you were right he was dealing with it bye tying him to a chair in the kitchen hence why he wouldn't answer the goddamn door.
-------- (Time skip to like middle of night)

You stared at the door before walking out of it and entering the kitchen. He just stared at you and you stared back it him.

"Who are you?" You asked in a unknown tone.

"Its none of your business." He responded. That was annoying.. You don't like him.

"It may not be but I can't make it my business pretty quick." You said in a darker tone. He didn't seem bothered by it. You sighed. "If ya tell me what I want to know I can help you out..." It was a lie of course but might as well try to convince him.

"And why would I believe you?" You so wanted to punch him but you showed no sings of aggression.

"You think I want to be here..?" You asked quietly. You did want to be here. "We could help each other out as long as I know you won't try and hurt me after in untie you. Once you answer my questions I'll untie you and we can leave." You whispered.

You would be heartbroken if Tim or Brian heard you. The man seemed to contemplate some things before slowly nodding. What a fool did he really forget you were the one who knocked him out. Must have.

"Right okay so who are you?"
After you interagated the man you had seen fairly useful information. There was no way for you to know if he was lying or not.

"Thanks helps a lot." You said coldly before beginning to walk away.

"Hey I thought we had a deal!?" He whisper yelled at you.

You looked back at him innocently. "Did we? I don't seem to recall..."

"You asshole once I get out of here I'm fucking coming for you and those other dicks!" He yelled and you slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up.." you said lowly. And he bit your hand you gasp and pulled your hand away. "I will beat your ass so bad if you pull anything like that again." You huffed and walked away.
"Y/n princess time to wake up." You slowly opened your eyes to who you thought was Brian. Though they sounded kinda condescending. You looked up to the voice.

You let out a tiny gasp, how the fuck did he get untied?! You stared at him. "How did you get out of the ropes..?"

He grabbed your throat and you grabbed his wrist with both your hands. You were supposed to let this happen thats why the Operator didn't lend you strength right? Another test.

"I'm asking the questions this time." He said in a menacing voice and leaned closer to you.
And you head butted him. He pulled his hand away to hold his forehead. And you rubbed yours.

"Screw you." You spat. And stood up. You grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be a thick ass book and hit him over the head with it. It wasn't enough to knock him down but if was enough for you to be able to pin him down.

"Listen here asshole I'm fucking better then you and you know it. So you are going to do what I tell you," You harshly garbed his face and made him look at you. "Right?"

"Fuck you." He said then spat in your face. That was enough for you to grab his hair and bash his head against the floor.

"Disgusting prick..." You wanted nothing more to end him, but since Tim and Brian hadn't you assumed he was important.
You got off him and kicked his ribs just for good measure.

(How yall feel about a meaner maybe flirt y/n? Also a lot of you seem to think y/n is stupid for the things she dose which is not entirely true she is desperate when ppl are desperate they do dumb stuff but it doesn't make her dumb okayyy?)

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