Chapter 7

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I race out of bed and shuffle through my dresser for a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. For a millisecond, I thought about slipping on jeans, but it's midnight. I pull my hair back and spritz a touch of my favorite Hanae Mori perfume on.

I quietly make my way downstairs because the last thing that I want to do is wake mom and Grandma Ruby, and then wait by the door until I see his car lights.

A minute later and Nico pulls into the driveway. I wonder when he traded in his BMW for a black Porsche.

Before I can even step outside, Nico's walking towards me. I could prepare myself all I want when it comes to seeing Nico, but it wouldn't matter. He takes my breath away with just one glance.

It's dark out so I can't make out his face, but I don't have to. His green eyes will sparkle in any kind of setting, and his 6'3 frame will always take up the entire room. It's safe to say that, even after all this time, he still gives me butterflies.

I start to regret my outfit choice when I notice him dressed in black jeans and a light blue button down shirt that's rolled up at the arms so that his silver Rolex shows.

"Get over here!" he cutely says the second that we're standing face-to-face. He opens his arms out wide and then picks me up once I make it to him. I'm so tempted to wrap my legs around his waist, but refrain, wrapping my arms around his back and resting my head on his shoulders instead. "I've missed you so much," he whispers into my ear, and his cool minty breath causes goosebumps to form all over my body. There's so much sincerity in his tone that I can't help myself. This is why I'm not able to fall out of love with Nico. He doesn't realize the power that he has over my emotions, and that's what makes this harder. He's genuinely a good person.

"I missed you," I say back as I take in the scent of his overly-priced cologne. He wears the Giorgio Armani kind.

When he sets me back down, I can't help but stare at him. He just gets better looking with time. His heart-shaped face is clean-shaven - just the way I like it because I can see his chiseled jawline better.

"Oh my God. Nico, is that a tattoo?" I blurt out, and I don't even know why I ask. I know a tattoo when I see one, and that is definitely permanent black ink behind Nico's neck - a Roman numeral, to be exact.

"Damn, I forgot how observant you are," he says as he rubs the back of his neck up and down with his hand.

"Details. Now," I demand.

"MMIV," is all he says.

"In English, Nico."


"You got a tattoo of the year you were born?"

"Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time!" he says in a playful tone, and I'm glad that one of us is relaxed about this. "I was also very the time."

"And Gillian was okay with this?" I ask of his mom.

"Not exactly. Let's just say that she took away the keys to my car for a week."

I shake my head at him, but in an endearing way, as he stands there, grinning. I want to give him crap for this, but he just makes that so hard to do when he's looking at me the way that he is.

"You got off lucky. I would've taken them away for a month," I tease.

"Good thing you're not my mom then," he smirks as he tilts his head to the side. I feel his gaze on me as he looks me up and down, and part of me - okay, all of me - hopes that he likes what he sees. My brown wavy hair is definitely longer than last summer, but I doubt he can even tell considering it's in a pony.

"You look great," he tells me, and I can't help but beam. It's the way he says it - like the way he says everything to me...with sincerity.

"You do, too," I tell him, and we both stare at each other for a few seconds longer.

"Wanna hop in?" he says as he points his thumb backwards, and I just nod, making my way to the passenger's side.

"New car?" I ask.

"New car," he says, getting into the driver's seat. "It was a birthday present from mom and dad."

"Must be nice to be rich," I tease, but immediately regret my words. "I'm just kidding." Nico's always been sensitive to the fact that his family has more money than mine...and more money than anyone else in this town. I think he's afraid that I'll see him as this entitled asshole, even though, I never have. Never will. Nico isn't that person.

"Are you, though?" he asks in a concerned tone, and I hate that I made him feel insecure about it for even a second.

"Nico, you just turned 18. That's a big milestone. Plus, you busted your ass last year to get into Columbia. You deserve it."

He smiles at me and I suddenly feel at ease knowing that I put his worries to rest. "Thanks, BC."

"I mean it," I tell him genuinely. "Now, where we going?"

"Melly's," Nico grins, and I chuckle.

"Why'd I even ask?"

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