Bonus Chapter 6!

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Last night was a shit-show to say the least.

As if sitting at a 2-hour dinner with my parents wasn't painful enough, add dessert at the Wellingtons to the mix. You'd think that with the way things ended between me and Cara, she'd make it her mission to ignore me.

Ha – like hell that was the case. 

We were seated next to each other on the paisley couch in their living room – surrounded by our parents on their own individual cushioned chairs – and the very few times that I did muster up the patience to say something, she'd reach for my hand and intertwine my fingers with hers. I don't know how many more ways I could spell it out to her that we're not together, that I'm not interested, and that I never will be. 

Surprisingly enough, my dad had only pulled me to the side one time at the Wellingtons, urging me to stop acting immaturely. I guess his definition of mature is doing whatever he says, because I was doing the opposite. I know that he and mom want me to be with Cara, but I'm not one to ever do something for a bullshit reason. Being with Cara for "appearances" is as bullshit as bullshit comes.

We only ended up staying at the Wellingtons for an hour, but if you ask me, an hour was more than enough time.

Now, I'm in bed with my phone in my grip, typing out a message to the other half of my heart. She's the only thing that's been on my mind. And I hope she knows that. I hope she knows that when I told her I loved her, I meant every single word.

When Bella told me that she was in love with me, I wanted to say the words right back to her because I knew that I loved her then. I knew that I loved her way before that. Think of the happiest feeling in the multiply that by 100 – that's exactly what I was feeling when Bella told me that she loved me. That's exactly what I was feeling the first time that we kissed.

You up? I text her.

She responds within seconds.

Bella: Just got into bed. How was dessert at the Wellingtons?

I told Bella my parents practically forced me there after dinner, and while I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was upset, she understood.

Nico: It was...not where I wanted to be.

I expect her to text back immediately, but she doesn't. And when I don't hear from her 5 minutes later, I start to panic.

Nico: I miss you.

She's typing. Then, finally:

Bella: I miss you, too.

Nico: I'll pick you up from work tomorrow.

Bella: Okay!

Bella: Goodnight :)

I don't want this conversation to end, but there's a knock on my door, so I quickly type out I love you, press send, and drop my phone onto the nightstand.

"Yeah?" I shout.

"Nico, sweetheart, can I come in?" mom asks from the other side of the door.

The difference between mom and dad is that dad would just barge in, like he has every right to be in my presence, whereas, mom asks. And kindly.

"Uh huh," I tell her.

She walks in, still dressed in her white blazer suit from dinner. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun, but now it's down, and she looks...tired.

"How are you doing?" she asks, planting herself down beside me on my bed.

I inch my body upwards, then lean my back against the headboard. "Fine," I lie.

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