Chapter 21

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Sweets is a madhouse...and it's only 10 AM. I have another 5 hours to go, and I'm already a mess. Not only did I spill a hot cup of coffee on a customer, but I also burnt two blueberry muffins, slipped on the hot cup of coffee that I spilt, and jammed the register.

Happy Monday to me.

"Here you go," Danny says as he bends down to hand me a rag.

"Thanks," I say, using it to wipe away the liquid. I bring myself to a stand and move the loose strands of hair that have fallen out of my pony and into my eyes out of the way. "Are Mondays always this crazy?"

"You think this is bad? You haven't seen anything yet."

I squint my eyes at him and tilt my head. "I can't tell if you're lying or not."

He presses his palm to his chest and holds the other hand up in the air. "Oh, I don't lie."

"So what you're saying is that I'm basically on the verge of getting fired?"

"Here, let me get that," he says, taking the now coffee-drenched rag from my grip. "And, no. Not at all. You're doing great."

"You said you don't lie," I tease him.

"I'm not lying. You are doing a great job. My first day was pretty much a disaster. If Wendy didn't fire me then, she's for sure not firing you now."

I look at him skeptically. "If you say so."

"You have my word," he tells me as we make our way over to the register.

"Excuse me, miss?" an old man walks up to the counter and asks.

"Yes?" I say, tightening the strap on my apron.

"I asked for a hot cappuccino. This," he hands me the beverage, "is practically iced."

I take it from his grip. I notice Danny standing behind me, looking over my shoulder at the customer, and I feel embarrassed. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, sir. I'll get you a new one right away."

"And hot, please," he reminds me.

"Yes," I nod my head. "Right. Hot."

I turn around and make my way to the espresso machine. I'm setting everything up when I feel Danny behind me. He wraps his hands around the back of my arms. "Here, let me help," he offers. Something about his touch on my skin takes me by surprise. At the same time, though, it feels good.

"Thanks," I half-smile, making my way around him. I watch him work the machine, and he makes it look so easy. When he's done, he hands the man his beverage and then turns around to face me.

"So, it's that simple?" I ask him.

"Look, don't be so hard on yourself. First days at a new job are never fun."

"I know. Thanks for helping me," I tell him.

"Anytime. I'm here if you need me." I smile at him and just as I'm about to say something else, in walks two familiar faces. Danny's eyes follow mine to the door and then he looks at me. "I'd take care of these guys for you, but something tells me that you got it from here."

I chuckle at him. "These guys?" I point at Nico and Brooks with my thumb. "I can handle them."

Danny laughs. "That's what I thought." He rubs my shoulder in a cute way and walks away.

"Yo, B," Brooks says, nodding his head in my direction as he makes his way towards me. "Hard at work or hardly working?" He plants his elbows down on the counter and leans his body forward. Nico pulls up beside him.

I playfully roll my eyes at his stupid comment. "What are you talking about, Brooks?"

"No fraternizing with the enemy. That's Danny Price."

"Yeah, so?"

"So...what are you doing talking to a Sherman High boy?" Sherman High is the high school on the opposite side of town. Apparently, they have some sort of stupid rivalry with Miller Prep, which is the high school that Nico and Brooks graduated from.

"Danny goes to Sherman High?"

"Damn right he does. So let me reiterate - no fraternizing with the enemy."

"I'm not fraternizing, Brooks, I'm working."

"That didn't look like work to me." He nudges Nico's arm. "Am I right, Nic?"

Nico looks at me like he's upset, but what am I supposed to do about it? I work with the guy.

"That guy's a tool, BC," is all he says.

"For your information, the guy's a sweetheart."

"Right, because you know him so well," Nico says, and his changed attitude catches me by surprise.

"Can I get you guys anything or did you come here to push my buttons?"

"Hey, we're just looking out for you, B. That's all," Brooks says.

"Yeah, I can see that," I sarcastically say. "Anyways...iced americano for you Brooks, and coffee, milk, no sugar?"

"That's my girl," Brooks points at me and smiles, but all I get from Nico is silence. "Guys, I'll be right back. My sister's calling."

I go to prep Nico's coffee and feel his eyes on me as he watches me gather everything. I hand him his cup once it's ready and he takes a sip.

"Good?" I ask just to break the silence.

"Great," he responds, but he's not looking at me. He's peering down at his beverage.

I turn around to make Brooks' drink, and Nico calls out to me.

"BC," he says. He's biting down on his lip, clearly thinking about whether or not he should voice what he wants to say next. He sees me waiting, and that's when he continues. "I don't want you talking to that kid again."

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