Chapter 32

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My conversation with Brooks left me feeling uneasy for the rest of the day. I've been enjoying my time with Danny, and now that I have to put an end to that just doesn't feel fair. At the same time, though, I trust Nico and Brooks with my life, and I know that whatever they're implying is being done with my best intentions at heart. Luckily, it's still the weekend and I don't have to worry about seeing Danny for another day.

Mom and grandma are out running errands, so I have the house to myself. I would never admit this to Grandma Ruby, but right now, I really wish she owned a pool. It's scorching hot outside, and I wouldn't mind a nice swim.

I make my way to the backyard - my book in tow - and plant myself on one of the lounge chairs. I made sure to slather on SPF inside, so I'm ready to lean my body back and take in the heat. I sit like this for close to thirty minutes, when I hear a knock on the front door. Instead of answering it from inside, I round the back of the house and make my way to the driveway.

"Yes?" I call out to the tall figure standing on the front porch. When he turns to face me, I notice that it's Danny. "Danny? What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping you were home. I beeped a couple of times," he says as he makes his way towards me. "We have lunch reservations at that place Bar Gemma in town. Remember?"

Crap, I totally forgot about that.

He sizes me up and down, taking note of what I'm wearing. That's when I realize I'm just in a one-piece bathing suit and nothing else.

"I'm so sorry," I tell him.

"It's okay! I'll call the restaurant and give them a heads-up that we're running late while you change."

"Listen, Danny...," I pause, trying to find the right words. Is it ever a good time to turn someone down? Someone who's been nothing but sweet and kind. Someone you find yourself really liking. "I've had a great time getting to know you, but..."

Ugh, I can't do this.

"...But I think it's better if we keep our relationship strictly professional."

Strictly professional? Really, Bella?

Danny blinks at me a few times, clearly confused, and I don't blame him. "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's not you, it's me." Gosh, I hate that line. "I...I just don't like when my work life interferes with my personal, and those lines are starting to cross with you." I look at him to find disappointment in his expression. Here he is, standing before me, thinking that he was coming to pick me up to go on a lunch date. Little did he know, he was really coming over to get dumped. I feel terrible, but I don't know what else to say. "I'm really sorry."

He chews on his lower lip as he looks down at the floor. "No, no, I get it. It was my mistake trying to mix the two. I do want you to know, though, that I like you. And if you were to ever change your mind...hopefully change your mind," he chuckles nervously, "...I would love to still see you."

A faint smile forms on my face. "Thanks, Danny. You've been nothing but a complete gentleman."

"Thanks," he half-smiles. "Well, I guess I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," I say, watching him walk out.

I feel horrible that I hurt Danny. Finally, a nice guy who's interested in me, and I can't even pursue it. I really hope that Nico and Brooks are right about this because ending things with Danny isn't what I wanted. And it doesn't feel good.


The next day at Sweets is pretty normal...considering. I was nervous about seeing Danny, but he seemed to be fine. He helped me work the register when it jammed, had my back when some customer was practically yelling at me for getting her order wrong, and even stayed past his shift to help me take out the trash. I think part of him is hoping for me to change my mind, and I can't help but admit that a part of me is hoping for that, too.

Besides the fact that Danny doesn't have a mean bone in his body, being in his company was refreshing. It allowed me to focus more on myself and less on Nico, which is what I really needed. I was even giving more thought to this whole Summer Dance ordeal that Remi has been nagging me about. Mainly because I was considering asking Danny to be my date. But now that that's no longer an option, I'm not so sure that I want to go anymore.

Meanwhile, Nico's been good at keeping his distance - respecting my wishes - but there were a few times this past weekend where he texted me. The messages were pretty much pictures of Columbia's campus and some cool spots around the city, so the conversations were pretty short and to the point.

I'm standing outside of Sweets, waiting for Remi to pick me up because she wants me to come with her to the tailors so that I can see how her dress for the Summer Dance fits. I'm pretty sure that she's taking Josh, and I'm so happy for her. She's been crushing on him for years.

Remi pulls up in her white jeep and rolls down the windows. "Get in loser, we're going shopping! Name the movie."

"Really, Rem?" I shake my head and laugh as I make my way to the door. "Mean Girls. Regina George. I don't live under a rock, you know?"

"Just testing you."

When I get inside the car, the AC is blasting harder than the music, causing Remi's hair to flow all over the place.

"Can I turn this down a notch?" I ask of the cool air that's rushing out of the vents. I strap my seatbelt on and look at her, and she's already looking at me.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Step on it!"

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