Chapter 55

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Since I finished work at 3 PM, I have more than enough time this afternoon to just chill. Nico doesn't start working for his dad until September, so he's free, too. He invited me over to come hang by his pool, so we're currently swimming. Well, more like straddling each other and kissing. We're in the water, my legs around his waist as his hands encircle mine. We really should come up from air, take a break from making out, but we can't help it. Normally, I'd be shy to show any type of PDA, but Nico's parents are at a charity event, and Hayley knows to give us our privacy.

"So," Nico begins, brushing my wet nose with his, "have you given any more thought to the Summer Dance?" He's been asking me everyday if I've changed my mind. Surprisingly, though, he hasn't pressed me about why it is that I don't want to go, but I think that's only because I keep telling him that it's not my scene.

I bat my eyelashes at him. "I don't need to give it any more thought. I know that I don't want to go. But I'm totally fine if you-"

"Don't even say it, BC," he interrupts me and states. "I'm not going with anyone else but you. End of story."

"Fine, but I'm not going. End of story."

He smirks at me cutely, and I can't help but smirk back at how adorable he is.

"What's that look for?" I ask.

"You're hot when you're sassy," he says. His lips play with mine until he finally kisses me again.

"What time did you say your parents will be home?"

"Late. We have the whole house to ourselves."

I wonder if Nico told his parents about us. And if so, what they think about the situation. Not that it would stop either of us. Mom and Grandma Ruby know more than they probably should, and that's because I can't help myself when it comes to talking about Nico. Plus, the beaming look on my face gives away the obvious.

Nico and I continue to make out until we hear a car door slam shut in the driveway.

"Nico...," I look at him questioningly and say.

"There's no way that that's my parents. They told me that they wouldn't be home until midnight."

We hear chatter, and immediately look at each other frantically once we realize who the voices belong to.

"Okay, so they're home earlier than expected," Nico says like it's no big deal. I push myself away from him and head for the pool steps, immediately covering myself with my jean shorts and tank top. I forgot to bring underwear and a bra, so my clothes are about to get soaked.

"Hey, where are you going?" he laughs.

"Nico, this isn't funny." He glides out of the pool and I throw a striped towel at him. "Cover up."

"BC, it's a bathing suit," he says, gesturing to his body.

"What if they see us?"

"So, they see us," Nico states nonchalantly. "This is my house, too." He makes his way towards me, pulling me by my waist with his finger so that I'm standing mere inches from his body. He rubs my arms up and down with his hands. "Plus, they know that I've been seeing you, so it's not like they're going to be surprised to find you here."

I look around the area, chewing on my lower lip, contemplating my next move. "If I'm quick enough, maybe I can make a run for it before they catch me." Nico starts hysterically laughing, and I drop my hands at my sides. "You still think this is funny?"

"I think it's hilarious." He grips my hand and pulls me towards the house. "C'mon."

"C'mon?" I repeat. "Nico, I'm not going inside. Not dressed like this."

"You look beautiful," he tells me otherwise.

"Nico," I warn him, but all he does is tug me closer to the door.

I hear Nico's mom and dad arguing in the kitchen when Nico and I walk into the house.

"Well, what would you like me to do, Gillian? I promised Harry that I'd be there."

"If only you'd make that type of promise to your family, Mark."

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm there for my family plenty. Harry's my business partner. You see this big house? Your nice cars and fancy jewelry? How do you think you're able to have all that? Things don't just fall from the sky, Gillian. I bust my ass to provide for this family. All I'm asking is for a little sympathy, and you can't even give me that."

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Nico turns to me and says, and I grip his hand tighter.

Despite the fact that Nico is hesitant about seeing his parents, he leads us into the kitchen.

"Nico, sweetheart," Gillian says, composing herself once she sees us walk in. "We didn't know that you'd be home." She looks at Mark anxiously, who simply huffs and crosses his arms as his body leans against the marble counter. "Hi, Bella, honey."

"Hi," I awkwardly wave.

"What's going on here?" Nico asks, peering from his mom to his dad.

"Nothing," Gillian says so blasely before changing the subject. "Bella, will you be staying for dinner? Chef Taylor's making chicken marsala."

"Uh," I look to Nico, hoping that his expression will tell me what to do, but he speaks for me.

"Yes, she's staying."

I glare at him like 'what are you doing', but he's staring at his dad, who still hasn't uttered a word to us.

"Fabulous," Gillian remarks. "I'll let Hayley know to add an extra placemat." She walks out of the kitchen, leaving me, Nico, and Mark alone.

"Harry told me that you never called him back," Mark finally utters. "I hope my son's not slacking on his responsibilities."

"I've got it handled," Nico coldly states, which garners a chuckle from Mark.

"Now, where have I heard that one before?" he sarcastically asks. "Nico, how am I supposed to trust you with my business if you're not serious about it?"

"I said I've got it handled," Nico grits through his teeth and glares as his dad as he pulls me towards the other room. "C'mon, Bella. Let's go upstairs."

Nico's pace is fast and I'm trying to keep up with him, even though he's holding onto my hand.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says. "Same shit from dad, just a different day."

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