Chapter 14

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I blinked and more people arrived. This party is out of control, but I'm also having fun. I ended up taking another round of shots with Brooks, and this time Remi joined us. There were a few times where I made eye contact with Nico as he was talking to people, and each time that I did, a feeling of guilt consumed me. I'm mad at myself for speaking to him the way that I did. I have to clear the air with him because this is Nico that we're talking about. At the end of the day, he's my best friend. I care about him more than anyone.

"I'll be right back," I tell Brooks and Remi, and Remi doesn't ask me where I'm going because she knows.

I push past the crowds of people, and I know that Nico sees me walking towards him. Just as I'm about to make it to him, I'm intercepted.

"Bella, hey!" a voice calls out. I shift my gaze to the person who's standing in front of me.

"Danny, hi!" I say. I almost didn't recognize him. I think it's because he looks a little different. His dirty-blonde hair is pushed away from his face and he's dressed in a button-down.

"Fancy running into you here," he jokes.

"I know. How do you know Trish?"

"I don't. She's a friend of a friend...of a friend." I start laughing, and he does the same. "I wasn't going to come - I was actually at a family friend's dinner party - hence the button-down - but I figured I should probably spend the night with people who aren't three times my age."

"I wasn't going to say anything about the button-down...," I tease.

"I know - not my look at all."

"You know what? I actually think it suits you."

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Yeah. You look...sophisticated."

"Well, I'm happy you got to see me all dressed up before your first day of work. Speaking of, when is that?"


"Monday," he repeats. "You excited?"

"Yeah, I am. But you're probably going to have to show me the ropes."

"I can do that," he smiles. Then I smile. And we stand there looking at each other. "So, what do you say we grab a drink at the bar?"

I look at Nico, who's still in conversation with someone, then shift my attention back to Danny. "Let's do it."

Looks like Nico will have to wait.

Danny finds a spot at the bar right next to Brooks, who I notice does a double-take at Danny once he sees me standing next to him.

"What the fuck?" Brooks mouths to me when Danny's not looking, but I ignore him when Danny turns to face me.

"What can I get you?" he asks me. I peer my head up at the options to find that there's not much alcohol left. I've already had two shots, and am slightly tipsy, so I know that a third is just a cause for a hangover tomorrow morning.

"I'm good," I tell him.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, two's my limit."

"Do you mind if I help myself then?" he asks me, and I find it sweet that he even has to ask.

"Go for it," I say, gesturing to the table. Danny concocts himself a vodka pineapple and starts to sip it. "Good?" I ask.

"Great," he says, giving me a thumbs-up. "So, tell me more about yourself. I know that Ruby's your grandma, but what else?"

"Hm," I start to think. "I come to Wilmington every summer."

"Every summer? Why haven't I seen you around before?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "Guess I've been hiding."

"Guess you have been."

"When I'm here, I usually keep to the same things."

"Which are what exactly?"

"Hanging with my family...friends."

"I take it the guy standing to my right is one of your so-called friends?" I didn't even think that Danny noticed Brooks.

I nod. "Yup. Br-."

"Brooks Caldwell. Yeah, I know."

"You know Brooks?" I ask, even though...who doesn't?

"I wouldn't necessarily say 'know'. He's a year older than me, but Wilmington is a small town. Plus, we run into each other at things like this."

"I've known Brooks since I was 7."

"Wow, that's a long time to know somebody."

"Yeah," I agree. "It is."

Nico comes into view with Cara by his side. She's talking to someone, but he's just looking around the room. Until his eyes land on me. The second that we make eye contact, I immediately look away and focus my attention back to Danny.

"So, when you won't be working at Sweets, where will you be?" he asks me.

"Uh, I don't know. Around, I guess."

"Well, if you're free after work one day I'd love to grab dinner or something."

Is he asking me out?

"Okay," I nod nervously, and then look back at Nico. This time, he's not standing there. Cara, on the other hand, still is.

"Will you excuse me for just a second?" I hold up my finger and say to Danny.


I circle the main floor a few times, but Nico's nowhere to be found. The only other place that I haven't check yet is the backyard, so I make my way there.

When I step outside, the fresh air hits my face and it feels so good to breathe in something other than the smell of alcohol. I take a few more steps to find Nico sitting on the patio step.

"Can you try talking to him, mom?" I hear him desperately say into the cellphone that he's holding against his ear. "I don't know what you want me to say. He's your husband." I obviously can't hear the entire conversation, but from the sound of Nico's tone, I can tell that it's not good.

I turn away and proceed for the door, but Nico calls out to me when my hand reaches for the handle.

"You don't have to leave, ya know?"

"Oh...I was just looking for Remi," I lie, and he nods slowly. "I'm going to head back insi-," I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Stay," he says.

"Nico, I-," I try to say again.

"Please," he begs. "Stay."

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