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Trigger warnings: Child Abuse (neglect, verbal and physical)

"Y/N! Get the fuck out here!"

"Yes Daddy?"

"Why are your toys not put away?" He shouted at the little girl who stood in front of him only two feet away. "You ungrateful little bitch!"

I stood there as I got my punishment, cries and screams filled the apartment.

"No dinner tonight, go to your room."

"No please! I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again!" I cried out as I was thrown into my room and the door made a click. I hadn't eaten earlier that day besides a tiny snack before mommy went to work.

Mom worked at some place where she had to go all day. She wore clothes over top of her work ones, she didn't want me to see her outfit. She always came home with more bruises than when daddy left her with.

She leaves to go to work at six and comes home at ten. It was eight right now, only two more hours to go, unless she leaves early. I like to help protect mommy from daddy. He doesn't like me helping and hurts me more or makes me watch.

Mommy uses her money to buy us food and me toys. Daddy goes to work for less time leaving me home alone, I'm fine with that. I play with my imaginary friends in my room if I'm locked in. They help me, they're the only ones who haven't hurt me.

Mommy and daddy like to drink, sometimes mommy gets physical with me but she says sorry after. One time she fell asleep after a fight and didn't wake up til a day later.

"You can stay in there until you realize how much I do for you, you ungrateful bitch!" Soon I heard bottles smashing and the TV playing some show, probably the news. I fell asleep on my piles of pillows soon after.

Eventually I woke up to the sound of the door slamming, Mommy must be home.

"Who's that guy who dropped you off?"

"You reek of beer y'know that?" I heard footsteps approaching, she unlocked the door but nobody came in she just kept walking by.

"Who's that fucking guy, Casey?"

"Just a friend." Soon I heard a slap and a scream. Cries filled the house as he delivered blows on her in the bathroom. She kept yelling for daddy to stop but he didn't. Soon it went quiet.

"Casey? Wake up? I'm sorry Casey, please!" He then started running around the house panicking. Knocks came at the front door, he didn't answer, but soon they got louder.

A bunch of people's feet entered, breaking down the door. My dad started screaming and yelling for them to let go and that he's sorry or that she deserved it. I quietly opened the door after hearing footsteps run to the bathroom. I walked over to the men in uniforms and saw mommy's body unconscious.

"Mommy?" The men looked at me, I ran through them and over to her body and started shaking her. "Mommy, wake up! Daddy is gone now, please mommy wake up."

I felt a pair of hands pick me up and bring me outside and near the parking lot of the apartment building. "What's your name?"


"That's a beautiful name. Did your dad do that to you?" I nodded back at him after he pointed to my bruises.

"Is mommy gonna be okay?"

"We can talk about mommy after I bring you for a car ride okay? I'm gonna take you to the police station, daddy can never hurt you again okay?" I nodded back as I sat down in a booster seat they had spare.

I watched as the city went by and we drove towards the nicer part of the city. I lived in the more dangerous side of town despite daddy making enough money.

Once we got there I was taken out and carried into the station and into a lounge room. I ran to the fancy couch and started bouncing on it. It was so comfy, I could fall asleep on it, I've never had a bed really so this was amazing.

"Okay so, do you wanna know what happened to mommy?" I nodded back at the man with glasses on. "Daddy and mommy got in a fight and he hit her hard enough that she will never wake up again. Mommy died, it's gonna be hard, I know. You'll be put in foster care and daddy will never hurt you again."

"No mommy did this before, she'll come back." I started tearing up, she can't be dead? I mean I know that our old pet cat just went to sleep for a long time after being fed some of daddy's beer. She still meows sometimes though, mommy told me it wasn't real though.

The man got up and left the room to talk to someone else. I could hardly hear them but I knew it was about me, I must be in trouble. I need to hide.

The door opened, I was hiding under the desk. "Y/n, where are you?" Footsteps went around the room before I saw feet in front of me at the desk. "Hey, listen you're safe here, nobody wants to hurt you." I slowly got out as he backed up, giving me space to get out.

"I'm sorry."

"No it's okay, how about I take you for ice cream?" I nodded back to him, he talked to some people before driving us to the nearest ice-cream shop then after to an old looking place.

"What's this place?"

"This will be your new home for a while." He said as he parked in the driveway before coming over to open my door and walk me up to the front door.

The place looked scary and I wanted to go back but kept walking since I knew I'd be okay. When he knocked on the door soon a lady came over to the front. The lady was wearing dress pants and a blouse.

"Hello Miss Cassidy."

"Good to see you Jim, who's this little one?" She asked, bending down a bit to look at me.

"This is the daughter of the couple on the news this morning. Her name is Y/n, daughter of Casey Laurier and Ted Laurier."

"Oh you poor thing. Come on in, does she have any clothes?"

"Any clothes she had is taken in as evidence, it's kinda old clothes though, getting tight on her." The lady hummed back and walked into the building more.

"Well, this is my home for girls. I'll show you to a bed so we can get you settled, then I'll show you the other kids. She brought us upstairs and showed me a bed. I ran to it. The bed looks so much more comfortable than on the floor.

"Do I really get to sleep here? I get to sleep in a bed?" The lady nodded back and I jumped onto it.

Eventually she left me with the other kids while she talked with the police man who brought me here. We all had dinner and went to bed at around seven.

A/n Hello, thanks for reading! Basically for the first few chapters it'll be different core memories which shape who she ends up being 

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