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Tw: Rape, Drugs, mentions of torture

"You need to understand I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Like hell you didn't Xander." I threw the door shut behind me as I rushed down the hall towards the exit.

"I love you Y/n!"

"You love me?" I scoff at his pathetic excuse. "If you loved me you wouldn't have hurt me, you used me. I was drugged last night, I don't remember shit. When I woke up to your dick in my vagina, I couldn't move. Whatever shit you put in my drink paralyzed me."

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/n, please."

"Do you just expect me to stay with you? After you abuse me then try and make it up by trying to be 'romantic'? If I have learned anything from being a Falcone is that you don't take shit, and I failed my last name. I will not fail it again by staying with you." I ran down the apartment complex hallway. I entered the elevator frantically pressing the close button and level one while searching my purse for my phone. "Shit!"

The elevator doors opened and I quickly ran to the front desk. "What's the matter Miss Falcone?"

"I need to make a call in private, Xander stole my phone."

The man at the front desk opened the door to storage and passed me his cell. I frantically dialed Carmine's number.

"Mr Falcone is busy right now, can I take a message?"

"Oswald, please put my Uncle on the phone. My soon ex boyfriend stole my phone, I'm scared, he took my gun from my purse and I really don't feel like getting arrested."

"What happened?" My Uncle spoke into the phone.

"Xander drugged me last night and when I woke up I couldn't move and, he took advantage of me. He's been abusing me for the past month, I'm so sorry, I should've stood up-"

"Where are you?"

"The Subertern apartment complex." I sighed and started hiding as I heard footsteps. "Please come quick."

"Victor is on his way."

I slowly got up and searched the close cabinets for weapons, I found a pistol in a hidden drawer. I peeked around the corner and saw his legs, I sneaked backwards a bit before standing up quickly.

"Hey princess, see you forgot a few things. Now, you ethier get back with me or I can use this little thing."

"I'll get back with you." I smiled lightly before pulling the pistol up and shooting his leg. He let out a scream, I made my way over and took my handgun from him. "Don't fucking threaten me ever again, okay?"

The door behind me opened, I turned my head quickly to see Victor "And I'll make sure of it." Victor came over and handcuffed Xander. "Y'know if you weren't such a bitch I'd find this kinda kinky, but also you're not my type."

"Shut it baldie."

"Oh you said that to the wrong man, do you even know who this is?" I asked which recived a head shake, "you really should've done research on Gotham before moving here."

Me and Victor walked out the fire exit and into his car. Xander was shoved into the trunk.

"Where to miss?"

"Wherever will be the best place to torture him, probably near the warehouse by the docks. We can throw him into the river afterwards." I smirked sitting in the passenger seat.

We arrived to the warehouse, two of Falcone's men came over and took Xander out of the trunk. They tied him to a chair in the middle of the warehouse and took the tape off of his mouth.

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