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A/n 0.5 and 0.8 keep saying unpublished so that's why it's re-published

I buttoned up my shirt and put on my blazer over top. My hair was slightly curled and I put on some makeup that complimented me nicely. I had dress pants on and some heels. I pulled my belt on and hooked it on.

"Wow, if we were more than friends I would fuck you on the spot, with consent of course."

"Thanks Hannah, you look beautiful too." I smiled before taking a deep breath.

"You ready? Your Uncle is downstairs in his car."

"Yes, let me grab my purse." I grabbed it and slipped in a few things before making my way downstairs. I entered the car, Hannah got in after me.

"You ready?"

"Yes Carmine. Let's go."

After a few minutes we arrived there. A man came over and opened the door for us.

"Y/n how do you feel about your father's potential release?"

"Y/n, what will you do when your father gets out?"

"Do you plan on getting revenge?"

I just ignored the reporters and made my way in the court house and walked in the hall.

"This way miss Laurier." A man said from in front of me. I followed him in the courtroom and took a seat where I was told, Hannah sitting next to me along with Falcone.

"Remember don't show any emotions. Keep it down, don't want people seeing you as weak." Hannah whispered, a man who was behind us seemed to hear.

"I believe showing emotions is very important for the human body. It's healthy to feel fear, it's the human bodies natural response."

"I'm alright. He cannot hurt me anymore." I smiled.

The room quickly filled and soon my father was escorted in. When he looked at me he smirked and kept walking.

"Court is in session. The trial of Ted Laurier has began. We are here today to decide whether Ted is allowed out or not. Ted was charged for third degree murder," I scoffed at this, no way it wasn't on purpose "child abuse, domestic abuse and felony. The defendant plead guilty when first sued. Will the DA please come up and speak."

"The client has been on very good behavior. If he is let out he can be sent to therapy and become a better person." Carl Flinch the DA said before sitting back down.

"Would the defendant like to say anything?"

"I can become better, I am better. I am very sorry to my daughter and her mother's family. If I could turn back time I would. Thank you." My father said before sitting back down.

"Will Hugo Strange please come to the stand."

A man in his forties made his way to the stand and took a seat. "Hello." His voive was deep and the way he spoke, he dragged out his words.

"In your professional opinion is Ted Laurier sane enough to return to society."

"He was always sane. He just used his anger out on his family, he knew what he was doing, but yes he is sane enough to be released." I heard Falcone let out a deep breath he was holding in.

"Very well, you may step down. I believe Y/n his daughter is here. Do you have anything to say?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Okay. The jury has decided in the past days that he may be released. Thank you, jury for your service. The court is adjourned."

Everyone stood up. I walked out quickly, Falcone and Hannah following close behind. I started walking to the car before someone called my name.

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